There are certain characteristics and actions that are common to successful entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs or business owners on the internet). Learning them will also make it easier and more likely for you to succeed than it would be without a knowledge of them. There are many factors indeed that we can attribute their success to. I will cover ten of them here.
1. They set goals
You have dreams, things you want to achieve. You set a goal when you fix a time for realizing your dream. Setting goals and writing them down will drive you to succeed. A Harvard Business School study revealed that only 3% of the population studied wrote down their goals and that they were earning 10 times as much as the 83% that never set goals. The learning here is that you should write down your goals, breaking them into bits consisting of activities that will lead you to realize your dreams.
2. They are organized
You can learn to be organized as a habit. It would appear that some find this easier than others. Lack of organization causes a lot of productive time to be lost. Are you organized? Answer this question to find out: Are you able to find things when you need them? Keeping proper records and adopting a simple logical filing system will help you a great deal.
3. They develop themselves
There is no perfect human being. There are often weaknesses, gaps and deficiencies here and there. The successful internet business owners improve themselves by reading and attending seminars. They are perpetual students. They know that leaders are readers.
4. They pay attention to detail
At a certain stage taking care of little things lead towards perfection. When turning out an e-mail, an ezine, or designing a web site, you must make an effort to ensure that you create a good impression on the receiver or visitor. The Japanese principle of “kaizen”, continuous improvement, is worth embracing.
5. They use time well
I don’t want to say that they manage time well because the fixed time available is 24 hours in a day and so on. What you can do is arrange your activities to get the most out of the fixed time available. There should be a balance amongst business, family and self. The front runners do this. They use the right tools. This is the computer age and automation is the word. As your business grows it will be very helpful to take advantage of the various tools now at our disposal to enable you work smarter. The big earners put a large chunk of their business operations on autopilot.
6. They stay motivated
Motivation comes from within, driving you to continue your work with a high energy level. It helps a great deal if you love what you are doing. This is why it is important to consider your area of interest, apart from monetary issues, in the choice of a business.
7. They are self-disciplined
You need to be focused and methodical in your approach to work. If you work at home, it’s doubly important. Set working hours and inform everyone that you would rather not be distracted. This practice will enhance your productivity.
8. They have and display positive attitude
The top dogs are not easily discouraged. They don’t turn tail when they encounter obstacles. Neither should you. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, did 1200 experiments before he succeeded.
9. They are patient
Particularly at the beginning. They do not go after get-rich-quick schemes that do not last but collapse in no time like a house built on sand. They stake out their plot and invest their energy and ingenuity on it until it blossoms.
10. You should take a long-term view as well
Without sacrificing your individuality and originality, we should model success because, by and large, different attitudes and actions lead to different results.
Originally posted 2014-04-13 21:53:17.