Studies have shown that it costs people 5 times more to search for a new client than to keep current customers. Believe it or not, sometimes the smallest and most insignificant actions have the biggest impact. The way people recognize the quality of the services provided make the difference between high churn rates and loyalty. In order to make yourself noticed and stay at the top of your client’s mind, you should have a closer look at the following tips.
- Communicate often
It’s very important to communicate with clients as often as possible, but without being too persistent. Start by scheduling periodical calls with them and share updates or talk about your latest product releases. Ask them for your feedback and try to find out how happy they are with the services you provide on a scale from 1 to 10. Make sure to compel them to argument their score as this will help you make improvements.
- Craft valuable content
Sharing new market insights opens up new opportunities, and it can actually help generate even better content that resonates with the needs of your clients. Content that matters shows that you’re the best at what you do, and this improve brand awareness at a larger scale. Your clients will be more than happy to discover what you have to say, and with a bit of luck they might recommend you to other people.
- Gain niche authority
You have to strive to attain greatness for your clients to fully understand your value. The more people see that your company is the lead the better chances you have to make them feel special. Authority in business gives you leverage. Why should they leave when you offer them something nobody else can? Remember – your clients have confidence in your brand because you’ve proven yourself to them more than once. Keep up the pace, surprise them and they’ll stick around indefinitely.
- Reply to your clients’ emails promptly
If you want your clients to keep you at the top of their minds, you have to replay to their emails promptly. If possible, answer to their queries in less than 24 hours – the sooner the better. If you can’t give them a detailed answer, just tell them you got their email, and that you’ll get back to them as soon as possible. Quick response times proves to clients that in case an urgent matter arises, you’re there to answer.
- De decisive
You’ve been hired because your clients believe in your expertise. That being said, you can’t afford to be hesitant. When you talk to them it’s very important to exude a sense of confidence. This will make them believe that they’re safe, and that they can trust you and your company.
- Value their point of view
Just as clients are experts in their own field, you are too. It is important to listen to their inputs and ideas because they, too, have customers of their own. If you offer a service to a specific end-customer, try to listen to their demands and look for a way to personalize your service to fit their requirements.
- Get personal
If you want your clients to remember you, you need to get personal. Send them emails on their birthdays or on Christmas, and send them your best wishes. They will definitely appreciate a hand-written Christmas card, a voucher or discount.
- Gifting clients
Gifting clients is equally important. Corporate gift pens, notebooks, and samples of your products are highly recommended. However you are advised to keep things professional. Find a way to get closer to them with a gift, but don’t go overboard with gifts that are inappropriate or too expensive.
- Be realistic
Don’t make promises in vain if you want clients to appreciate you, and be realistic. Happy customers are more than willing to share the wonderful experience they had with you and your company, so try your best to keep your promise.
- Be transparent
Last but not least, you should be transparent when delivering services. Customer loyalty is all about being fair, even when you make mistakes. Engage in a conversation with your people and find a way to reach common ground and meet somewhere in the middle to fix any wrong-doings.
Very useful !!! Thank