
4 Mindsets to Help Improve Your Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture

The mindset that is in your organization will make or break business success. Did you know, what your employees think is what your organization will become because what they think predetermines their behavior? Hence, you need to know what type of mindset is present in your organization, and whether you need to hire team building and capability experts who will give you 360 degree feedback on the mindset in your organization. Plus, they will help you upgrade the organizational mindset. As a result, it will help accelerate your business transformation. When people in your organization have a good mindset, it will automatically have a positive impact on your organization. Below are 4 mindsets to help improve your organizational culture. 

  1. Appreciative mindset
appreciative mindset

This mindset is about focusing on what is working, whereby, instead of focusing on what’s broken, you focus on what is working. Are you grateful to your staff, do you celebrate their wins? Or always focus on what goes wrong? When you focus on what is wrong, people not only feel stuck but they feel miserable with no morale. Therefore, when there is an appreciative mindset in your organization, it will focus more on building what is already working. Since organizations grow in the direction that they focus on. Therefore, it is best to access when people were most engaged and why? Discover what they value about their work, themselves, and the organization. In this way, you will get rid of their fixer mentality and create an appreciative mindset that will bring out the best version of your team and amplify what is working already. 

  • Empathy mindset 

This is a mindset where you do not fight resistance, but use it as a fuel of change. The more you want to fight resistance, then it becomes stronger. Plus, people do not resist change, they resist the fact that someone wants to change them. When there is resistance, it is an expression of the losses that are associated with change. So, if you are a leader, understand what is going on, other than silencing it. Understand what they fear they are losing, it can be pride or a sense of belonging. Or they fear losing control? Hence, work with your team to shift the loss of change into a win, by building an emotional bridge of where the company is and where it wants to be. In most instances, people are not the issue, you just need to engage them in a conversation and this will open up candid discussions. When you have an empathy mindset, you will understand the signal and use it as fuel to move change forward.  

  • Mistake-tolerant mindset 
tolerant mindset

For this mindset, you celebrate mistakes instead of avoiding them. It is vital that in this era, organizations start to redefine their relationship with mistakes. As failure is not final but a stop that is necessary along the innovation journey. Thus, you need to figure out what your mistake policy is and how it affects people in your organization. Since most companies have no clear rules when it comes to failure, employees fear the consequences although they are encouraged to fail fast. Since education and upbringing teach about finding the right answer. Most people carry this through to organizations they work for and focus on winning instead of learning. Yet, innovations need you to explore new solutions, not to be stuck in what used to be right. For this reason, when you embrace the mistake-tolerant mindset, you are encouraging a trial and error approach to encourage people to try continuously.

  • Autonomy mindset 
autonomy mindset

Lastly, with this mindset, you allow people to make their choices. For an organization to thrive, it must put into practice collective leadership instead of micromanagement. Plus, every employee has the responsibility and ability to drive change. Although people value autonomy, they still value collaboration. Hence, it is best to create a mindset where people make their own choices as our brains are wired to self-direct and most people resist being told what to do. Thus, when you promote autonomy in your organization, people feel valued making them more productive and loyal. Choose an autonomy mindset as it is the opposite of micromanagement 

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