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Case Sealers: How Useful Are They?

You may wonder if there’s a better way to seal the boxes if you own or run a business that delivers products to customers at a large scale. After all, it is a time-consuming but necessary aspect of any company that distributes products. Fortunately, a device called a case sealer exists to make life easier. However, how useful are they, and should you get one?

Case Sealers: How Useful Are They? 1

What Are They?

At the basic level, they are used to close, seal, or both a cardboard case. This can be extremely useful for companies that deal with thousands of boxes per day and cannot afford the manual labor needed for this task. Furthermore, case sealing equipment can be more efficient because they can work day and night without rest. While operators will need technicians on hand to keep them working smoothly and keep them fed with the consumables they need to function, they are almost operator-independent, keeping expenses down.

How Do They Work?

They work by moving boxes along a conveyor belt until they reach the primary mechanism. It is this mechanism that folds and seals the lid of the box. There are two main types of case sealers:

  1. Semi-automated: When operating semi-automated equipment, a box is typically filled and loaded at the entrance to the case sealer; the box’s bottom flaps may or may not already be closed. Upon closing the top flap, the operator feeds the case through a machine, where the seal is applied automatically. By using this method, time is saved, and closure materials, like tapes, can be applied precisely.
  2. Fully automated: Entirely automated Case sealers do not need an operator anywhere along the line. This type of machine fulfills all functions from flap closure to sealing.
Case Sealers: How Useful Are They? 2

Benefits Of A Case Sealer

Although case sealers are somewhat specialized, they can prove to be highly beneficial to specific industries. Among their many advantages are:

Cost Savings

As previously mentioned, these devices don’t require much input from manual labor. Furthermore, the fully automatic varieties require even less staff. The only expenses involved are the consumables like the tape and adhesives and the electricity needed to power them.

Increase Productivity and Efficiency

The productivity increase you will find using these machines can be incredible. Manual case sailing is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task that can add massive costs to your business. By investing in a case sealer, you will discover huge savings over the machine’s lifetime, and productivity will rise.

They Will Increase Your Output

The more boxes you can process, the more orders you can handle. These machines will boost the output by a considerable margin and allow you to focus on receiving more orders. They are so efficient that you might need to update other processes in your factory or warehouse, so the machine isn’t sitting idle waiting for boxes to seal.

factory warehouse

Reduce Tape Costs

One underappreciated cost in all warehouses is tape usage. Manual laborers typically overuse the amount of tape necessary to seal a case adequately. A case sealer uses a predefined amount of sealant each time that allows you to monitor the costs precisely. 

Make Packages Look More Professional 

Even though this might seem insignificant, the fact that each box looks the same as the last gives your customers the impression that you are a professional company that pays attention to the finer details.

Reduce Employee Injury And Compensation Cases

Repetitive strain injuries often blight factories and warehouses with employee downtime and possible workers’ compensation claims. While they may not win such cases if you have provided all possible safety equipment, dealing with them is time-consuming and frustrating. Unfortunately, sealing boxes day in, day out is one job that is highly likely to cause such injuries. Therefore, a case sealing machine can drastically reduce these issues.

Things To Consider Before Buying One

Now, you might be convinced of the myriad of benefits that a case sealer provides, but there are some things you must consider before going out and investing in one.

Case Size

Before you begin to look through the case sailing catalog, you must perform a complete inventory of each case that you use in your business. Check everyone from largest to smallest, and then check to see which case sealer will fit your needs the best. There might not be one that accommodates every size case you use, but you should be ok as long as it works for the majority.

Case Weight

Weight is also a factor you must consider. The machine will work by using a conveyor belt, and if your cases weigh more than the belt can handle, you might be unable to use it without breaking it.

Uniform Or Random

Any warehouse worth its salt will understand the difference between a uniform case distribution and a random one. A uniform distribution means that every box going into the case sealer will be the same size. The size will vary depending on how many come through at once. Whichever your system is, you must check to ensure the case sealer you want to invest in can handle it. Typically, there is no problem with uniform distribution, but random ones are trickier. Luckily, some machines can adjust automatically to whatever is thrown at them, but these cost more and have more moving parts, meaning more upkeep.

Volume Of Boxes

This should be the most significant factor in determining whether or not it is worthwhile investing in one. For a small factory handling low volumes, you might find that your ROI is too far off in the future to make it profitable. Conversely, if you manage huge volumes, you might get your investment back sooner than you thought.

Your Available Space

While case sealers aren’t the most prominent pieces of machinery out there, they take up a considerable amount of real estate. Depending on where your warehouse is located, every square might matter. Therefore, you must add this to your calculations when considering this kind of investment. A further aspect to contemplate is the climate conditions. For example, if sanctions are too humid, the adhesive might not stick, or if too cold, it may become hardened before being applied to the case. 

A case sealer can be a vital piece of equipment for large organizations. However, there are some things you must contemplate before going out and buying one. Nevertheless, if your requirements demand it, a case sealer could be one of your most valuable pieces of equipment.

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