Why Businesses Should Hire Graduates

One thing that often plays on the minds of employers in terms of recruitment is whether they should hire an experienced professional or a fresh graduate. As with anything, there are pros and cons to both; however, extending graduate job offers comes with a wide array of benefits. In a candidate-driven market, it’s imperative that employers make the right recruitment choices, yet it’s so difficult to know which route to take. Do you go for the tried and tested professional or give a fresh graduate a chance? Listed below are the reasons why you should take a chance on a graduate.

They’re Ready to Mold

First and foremost, you can shape a graduate into any professional being that you want them to be. When they’re fresh out of college, it’s likely that your business is the first proper experience that they’ll have of the working world. Therefore, they haven’t yet picked up any bad habits from previous job roles that you’ll need to break them out of; instead, you can shape them to the needs of the business. Not only will graduates not have previous employment habits, but they’ll also be much quicker to pick up on training, as they’re essentially a blank canvas.

They Have Fresh Perspectives and New Ideas

Graduates are fresh out of education, meaning they’ll still be in an inquisitive mindset, which can influence an influx of innovative ideas. Fresh ideas are incredibly valuable to any business, so any employee capable of sharing them is a valuable asset. The purpose of college is for students to develop a new way of thinking and someone who has only just stepped out of this setting will be more than capable of scrutinizing outdated practices. When an organization is solely made up of older individuals, it’s sure to lose touch with fresh, new business perspectives.

They Understand New Technology

These days, regardless of the profession, an understanding of technology is imperative. Today’s graduates have grown up with technology, meaning that even if they haven’t encountered a certain device or system before, they will soon work it out. Older people aren’t as quick to pick up on new technological practices, as they had to learn to use a computer in their adult life. In fact, 95% of Gen Z’ers have a smartphone, as opposed to just 85% of Gen X’ers. Technology sits at the core of the recent graduate and it’s what really sets them apart from their older counterparts.

They’re Adaptable

As previously mentioned, your business is likely to be the setting of a graduate’s first proper job. As a result, they’ll likely be going above and beyond to impress you. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should take advantage, but you should be sure to awaken them to new professional opportunities in which they can learn more and develop in a professional capacity. On top of this, graduates have just stepped out of a time that’s steeped in deadlines, meaning they’re likely able to plan their time well. Additionally, their youth often means that they lack other commitments, such as children.

They’re Open to Smaller Salaries

When jobhunting, a graduate isn’t necessarily looking for a role that pays the big bucks. More accurately, they’re looking for something that would be valuable to the development of their career. Therefore, they may be open to a lower salary as long as there’s opportunity to progress and earn more in the future. Ultimately, graduates don’t expect a huge pay, they’re more grateful to be given an opportunity to advance themselves within their chosen sector over experienced individuals.

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