Kevin J. Donaldson’s 10 Secrets to Become the New Rich
The popular self-help and contemporary guide of America to become the new rich- ’10 Secrets of the New Rich: How To Join The World’s New Breed Of Millionaires‘, written by Kevin J. Donaldson highlights the following points-
Through the book, you can know the facts about today’s New Breed of Millionaires, including who they are, how they make lavish money and the philosophy that lies behind their incredible achievements. The book directs you on how to be responsible, take control over your success, and deal with complaints, blames, obstacles, problems and failures that come in the path of success.
Dealing with Financial Struggles effectively can eventually bring Financial Stability. A clear vision, establishing short term and long term goals, and abiding by your game plan can also contribute to your Financial Stability and monetary independence. You need to grow your wealth as you learn to leverage your social, personal and business transactions.
This books is very influential for meeting your financial goals and make the financial conditions healthy to much extent. This will definitely fulfill all the financial goals of a person. After reading this book, you will surely learn to strike a balance between managing your finances and work-life that makes you wealthy in a much easier way. The author emphasizes on starting your own home-based business, which is a solution to achieve Financial Stability and a helping hand in Dealing with Financial Struggles. Discover the key to growing a home-based business venture, from acting daily, attracting new opportunities to time management with ‘10 Secrets of the New Rich‘.
The book brings out the skills, intelligence, motivation, spark and the willingness to work hard in you to fulfill your dream of becoming wealthy and successful in no time. One must always see this book to achieve its goals. You will also come across the unconventional approaches that help you to achieve your dream. When you will read this book, you will realize that how much the book can teach you not only to become rich but also on how to deal with life.
There is a lot more in the book. To find out, buy a copy from today! For any further details and information on the book, please feel free to contact Kevin J. Donaldson on 1-347-632-1450. You can email him at or visit
kevin donaldson
About the Author
I am Kevin J. Donaldson. A life coach, business coach, chief strategist and CEO at Real Wealth Solutions. I faced many failures both personally and professionally, but I used these experiences to fuel his drive to succeed not only in business, but in other areas of life as well.
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