
Tips on How to Start a Fundraising

fundraisingTip One: What are your fundraising needs? This is the most important question you need to ask yourself so that you will know what your specific fundraising goals are.

Some questions you should consider:
– How much money do you hope to raise from your fundraising?
– How many approximate people will be involved in the fundraising?
– When will it start?

How long will you have your fundraising? You will want to make sure you are giving yourself enough time to wrap up the fundraising and have the money you need on time.

Do you have enough volunteers to help with the fundraiser? If this is your first fundraiser you might want to give yourself some extra time should run into any problems or delays.

Tip Two: Picking the right product for fundraising. While there are so many neat fundraising options make sure to pick a product that you think your target audience will like, something that creates an impulse buy!

Depending on how much money you need to earn, will also be a factor in your decision.

Candles, Candy, Magazines and coffee are four of the top fundraising products that are commonly chosen. They are reasonably priced, most people will buy more than one and they are products people would normally buy anyway. This will make it easier for you and your organization.

Tip Three: Plan your fundraising & set your goals. You’re most important goal is how much money you need to raise. If you are raising money for a specific product such as new computers or playground equipment be sure to find out how much money you need to raise. You may not raise all of it but it’s good to know what amount you are aiming for.

We suggest your fundraising be no less than one week but no more than two, three tops. One week is not quite long enough to get the momentum going but anything past 2-3 weeks, takes away the sense of urgency to “buy today”.

Organization for your fundraiser is essential to meet your goals. Work with your volunteers and come up with some selling strategies together. As an incentive you should offer some prizes to the top fundraisers as an added bonus for their efforts. After all, everyone likes to be appreciated!

Tip Four: Managing your fundraising from start to finish. Allow at least 2-3 weeks for delivery of items. Make sure to verify the delivery time with the company you have decided to go with. A happy customer will be a repeat customer should you decide to host another fundraising in the future.

Taking money at the time the order is placed is your best option. The last thing you want to do is chase someone down for money because things come up or to be short. So we advise you take the money before handing over the products.

And there you have it; our fundraising tips that should help you get your fundraiser going with a bang! Remember organization is essential to help your group meet your money goal.

Tips by Brooklynn Anderson, the owner of http://www.fundraisinghq.com the ultimate fundraising resource. FundraisingHQ is organized into the different types of fundraising ideas to help your group run successful fund raisers!

Photo: actnow.com

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