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virgin coconut oilVirgin Coconut Oil is getting global reputation as the healthiest and versatile oil in the world. The Philippines is considered one of the best sources of virgin coconut oil and it’s also gaining popularity in the country.

Virgin Coconut oil is extracted only from fresh coconut (not copra) meat naturally or mechanically. To maintain the oil’s essential properties, the production of virgin coconut oil does not undergo chemical refining, bleaching, or deodorizing. Virgin coconut oil is said to be high in vitamins, minerals and lauric acid, and it is fit for consumption without the need for further processing.

Virgin coconut oil is rich in Lauric Acid, an essential fatty acid that is only found in high concentrations in human breast milk. When taken internally, Lauric Acid turns into a compound known as Monolaurin. This monoglyceride has antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, and antimicrobial properties that can help cure various diseases. It works by destroying lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, and various pathogenic bacteria. Thus, virgin coconut oil is considered a natural antibiotic.

How to Make your own cold processed Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

1. First, the husk and the shell is removed from fresh coconuts,
2. then the meat of the coconut is shredded -a process called “Wet Milled”,
3. then the meat is “Cold Pressed” to get the coconut milk without any chemicals. At home, you can hand press using gloves. Collect coconut milk.
4. The milk is then fermented in containers for a day or two. After which, oil is produced. This oil is carefully filtered and separated from the curd. You now have what is called, virgin coconut oil.

Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil:

– It strengthens the body’s immune system
• A good source of saturated medium chain triglycerides
• Virgin Coconut Oil helps regulate blood sugar
• Lowers the viral load of AIDS patients
• Has anti-viral & anti-microbial properties
• Helps hepatitis C, herpes patients
• Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
• Maintain LDL & HDL cholesterol levels
• Heals & nourishes the skin, hair & scalp


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