Who Can Benefit from Breast Lift Surgery?

A breast lift is a surgical procedure ideal for candidates with sagging breasts that have developed due to the aging process, experiencing sudden weight loss, or following pregnancy and breastfeeding. This surgery aims to lift or reshape breasts that hang low over the chest and have most of their volume at their base. Restoring firmer, younger-looking, and immense breasts is now possible with this effective cosmetic procedure. 

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery in Delhi performed at Aestiva Clinic improves the elasticity of the female breast tissue by removing excess sagging tissue from the breast and transforming the breast mound and nipple. It can improve the posture of the nipples and the area around them that is darker in color by reducing drooping (areolae). In this procedure, the size of the areolae can also be reduced to keep the breasts in proportion to the newly shaped breasts.

Indications of a Breast Lift Surgery

  • Breast sagging lost shape and volume or have gotten flatter and longer
  • Breasts are unsupported or fall below the breast creases
  • Nipples and areola point downward
  • Areolae have been stretched out of proportion to the breasts
  • One breast is smaller than the other.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Lift Surgery

  • Good candidates for a breast lift are in overall good health, non-smokers, non-alcoholics, or have quit smoking and alcohol consumption at least six weeks before surgery. Smoking prevents the body from recovering quickly from surgery.
  • The candidate does not intend to have any further children. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and sudden weight changes can cause the breasts to sag again, altering the appearance of post-operative breasts.
  • Women between the ages of 40 and 70 have created the most significant number of breast lift surgeries.

Breast Lift Surgery Prerequisites

Patients must go through some tests and a medical evaluation to confirm their candidature for the surgery before commencing with breast lift surgery. Patients should follow the following instructions:

  • Review the medical history of the patient: The surgeon will review the current and past medical conditions, any previous mammograms, any medications, and a family history of breast cancer.
  • Physical examination: The surgeon will examine the quality of the breast skin tone, the position of the nipples and areolas, and any discrepancy in size and shape on each side.
  • Photographs: The surgeon also takes pictures of the breast (face not included) for medical records and to compare the results.
  • Patients can discuss the desires and expectations regarding the appearance of the breast. 
  • Schedule a mammogram: If a person is selected as a good candidate for breast lift surgery, the surgeon will recommend a baseline mammogram before the surgery.

Breast Lift Surgery Procedure

A breast lift procedure can be performed through various incision patterns and techniques based on the size and shape of the breasts and the position of the areolas, the flexibility and quality of the skin, the amount of excess skin, and the degree of breast drooping.

1. Giving anesthesia: Anesthesia is administered to comfort the candidate during the surgical procedure. There are options, including general anesthesia and intravenous sedation.

2. Making an incision: There are usually three common incision patterns: (a) around the areola; (b) near the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease; and (c) around the areola, down from the breast crease in a vertical direction, and across the breast crease.

3. Lifting breast tissue: After making the incision, the underlying breast tissue is uplifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness. The nipple and areola are uplifted to a more natural, youthful position.

4. Skin excision and fat removal: Enlarged areolas are reduced by excising skin on the outside. Excess breast skin is excised to make up for lack of suppleness.

5. Closing of the incisions: The remaining skin is tightened after the breasts are reshaped, and excess skin is removed as the incisions are closed.

Breast Lift Surgery Results 

  • The candidate will notice an immediate change in the appearance of the breasts. Although throughout the coming months, their shape will continue to shift and settle.
  • The candidate might notice that their bra size is slightly smaller after a breast lift. It is simply a result of the breasts becoming firmer and rounder.
  • As age increases, the skin will naturally become less elastic, and some sagging might occur, especially if someone has significantly heavier breasts. The individual may hold onto the results by maintaining a steady, healthy weight.

What to Expect After Breast Lift Surgery?

The majority of breast lift patients are satisfied with their results. However, realistic expectations are a significant factor in patient happiness. A breast lift can improve the posture of the breasts, but it cannot diminish or increase their size. For this reason, patients frequently get breast augmentation or breast reduction concurrently with a breast lift. The final results of breast lift surgery may not be visible until approximately six months after surgery, when the tissue has totally healed, and all swelling has subsided.

Recovery Following Breast Lift Surgery

Recovery following breast lift surgery can vary depending on if additional procedures were performed at the same time. If breast lift were the only procedure, the majority of patients might return to non-strenuous work within a week. Non-strenuous activity is acceptable after approximately 7 to 10 days, and patients can often resume all normal exercise 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. During the initial stages of recovery, patients will receive prescription painkillers, and after a few days, they can often switch to over-the-counter painkillers. If additional operations were performed at the same time as a breast lift, the recovery period might be lengthier.

Post-treatment care

  • After this procedure, a surgical support bra and gauze will probably be applied to the breasts. Small tubes may be inserted to drain any extra blood or fluid from the breast incision sites. 
  • The breasts will be bruised for about two weeks after surgery, the incisions will be red or pink for a few months, and the candidate will probably experience pain and soreness there. 
  • Loss of sensation in the nipples, areolae, and breast skin might last about six weeks.
  • Take pain medication as per the doctor’s recommendation for the first few days after a breast lift. 
  • After breast lift surgery, sexual activity should be avoided for at least one to two weeks. 
  • Drainage tubes may be placed near the incisions and are removed within a few days; when the doctor removes the tubes, they will probably change or remove the bandages.
  • Ask the doctor about when or if the stitches will be removed. Some stitches diffuse on their own, while others must be removed often one to two weeks after the procedure.
  • The surgical support bra should continue to be worn round-the-clock for three to four days. Then wear a soft support bra for three or four weeks. A doctor might suggest using silicone tape or gel on the incisions to promote healing.
  • Keep the breasts away from the sun while the candidate is healing, and protect incisions during sun exposure.

Interested in breast lift surgery? Consult now Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic to learn more about this procedure and the cost of breast lift surgery in Delhi. 

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