What is DMIT, DMIT Test online, DMIT Benefits & Cost

Constant and Consistent Research is the sole of any invention and discovery. Bright and Curious scientific minds are always inventing to help mankind. A dominant sector that always interests scientists and researchers in the field of children’s development. They are constantly exploring with the help of technology. 

DMIT Test online

The technological revolution has positively impacted the lives of millions of children and one such invention which will continue to help students is the invention of the DMIT Test.

What is  DMIT TEST?

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)  is a biometric test conducted on students for understanding their potential. This test has successfully helped students understand their abilities all across the globe. Merely 4 years ago it was introduced in India and since then the results are unbelievable. 

How is the DMIT test conducted?

If we talk about various aptitude and interest tests where children are given a questionnaire. They have to answer the question or solve some activities for assessment. Here the process is completely different. DMIT is the study of fingerprints. All the fingers are scanned and their fingerprints are recorded. We all know that fingerprints are unique and are completely distinctive. Based on these fingerprints, a detailed report is generated. This report talks about the distinctive qualities of a child, his capabilities and his abilities. It helps us understand the hidden talents of a child along with his skills and potential

What is the accuracy of the DMIT Test?.

Fingerprints of a child develop right when he is in the womb of the mother. They start forming right when the fetus is 13 weeks and by the time the fetal growth is 22 weeks, the unique fingerprints are completely formed. These remain unchanged for a lifetime. These imprints are formed on the basis of our inner attributes. Hence the results are very accurate. It is recommended to always get a DMIT test done at a well-established counselling centre like Brainwonders. They assure 95% accuracy as they use the latest equipment for conducting the test.

What is the science behind conducting a DMIT test?

Our fingerprints are connected to our brains. The imprint on every finger contributes to different qualities of a person. When a child uses his left hand to write, he makes use of the right side of his brain and when he uses the right hand to write he uses the left side of the brain. Now, the left side of the brain deals with objective attributes like intelligence, Logical reasoning and language power while the right side of the brain deals with subjective attributes like feelings, art and creative thinking. In a DMIT test, every finger imprint is studied individually that help us understand which quality of the child is well developed and where he requires support and guidance. Hence the DMIT test is considered scientifically advanced and on the mark.

What are the benefits of doing a DMIT test?

A DMIT test helps parents understand the calibre of the child. Fingerprints are also affected by genetic factors so parents can make note of any genetic inability that prevails in a child. DMIT is very helpful in understanding the multiple intelligence, interests and abilities of a child. A career strategy can be designed based on this analysis. If the child takes up a stream of his choice, it is easier for him to excel in that line. Hence DMIT test forms a foundation for analysis and evaluation. Career counselling centres harness it as an effective tool for suggesting appropriate options.

Who can take this test?

There is no age limit for self-assessment. Every person wants to understand and know about themselves. So an adult working in a corporate stream for ages can do a DMIT test and decide if he wants to change his area of work. It is definitely most beneficial for children. A toddler, A teenager as well as an undergraduate can undergo the test. DMIT test is suitable and beneficial for all age groups. 

Can we take a DMIT test online?

Parents who are willing to undergo a DMIT test for their children can now avail the opportunity online too. Career Counselling centres like Brainwonders understand that Parents prefer online mediums from a safety point of view. The expert team has carefully developed strategies to conduct this test online. The results are accurate and precise. So get on to the website and every information is available at a click.

What is the cost of conducting the Test?

When we compare the benefits of the test with the cost, we realize that the amount we pay is substantially lower than the benefits we yield. The cost of a DMIT test starts anywhere across Rs.2000/- there are various spectrums of conducting the test and the cost may vary based on that. But here it is important that a Parent wisely chooses the career counselling centre for getting the test done. The use of technology makes a difference. Brianwonders uses the latest technology guaranteeing error-free results. It is the only centre that has acclaimed the U.S Patent for conducting this test. The results from these centres are highly reliable and dependable as they form the basis for formulating the career strategy.

What are the cons of conducting this test?

Practically biometric analysis has no negative effects. The scanning procedure is not going to affect the child in any way. The counsellors at Brainwonders take special efforts in disclosing the reports to the parents in a positive manner. They ensure that the results do not have a negative impact. Maintaining the accuracy and the authenticity of the reports, career counsellors suggest improvement remedies also if required. So undergoing a DMIT Test is not going to harm the child in any way.

Just to sum it up

  • Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is a biometric test. It is the study of fingerprints 
  • Fingerprints are connected to the working of the brain cells and hence a detailed analysis helps us understand the innate potential of a student.
  • It gives a piece of in-depth information about the strengths and weaknesses of a child. This helps in planning his career path.
  • It is suitable for all age groups and anyone can undergo the test online or offline.
  • It is very important to select an appropriate counselling centre for conducting the test as the accuracy depends on the technology used in the counselling centre.

DMIT is a revolution in this field and every Parent should take advantage of the available technology. Career counselling centres like Brainwonders have made the Test very accessible and approachable. It is just a click away!

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