Category: Grow Your Business


Email Signatures – Easy Free Advertising

A big part of your business comes from your email so it makes sense to advertise your products and/or services with every email that you send out. You can do this is by having a “sigtag” in your email. Outlook and Outlook Express both allow you to set up your...


Nightclubs Moving to Beat of Marketing

Step up to the new way to bring business into your nightclub. The best nightclubs use a mix of marketing styles to appeal to all classes of clubbers. As the following article shows, here’s your quick guide to nightclub marketing. Package Deals Everybody loves a party and the easier your...

hotel renovation woman standing on water pool

Shape Up Your Hotel Lobby for Less Money

If you’re looking to make an impact on your guests and encourage them to stay awhile, renovating your hotel lobby is the way to go. Hotel renovation has become increasingly popular of late, with large brands investing in renovations. A welcoming and well equipped lobby is vital when it comes...


Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising

Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. Advertising can be done by means of a number of mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs...


Market Big Data to Unlock Your Potential

Whether you’re trying to expand your customer outreach or promote a new product, big data can help your business get the word out. With the management and analyzing power of big data, your business can discover which marketing strategy works best. When it comes to processing promotions, here are just...


Are You in the Business of Growing?

Are you paying attention to how your company is growing? In order to keep thriving, your business needs to keep growing. Growing your company means finding ways to reach out to new customers and explore ways of generating more revenue. Taking some time to focus on growth means you’re future...


5 Ways To Own Your Market

Nearly every business owner, from small to medium-sized companies, desires to take over their field of business, whether that be locally or on a larger scale. For most people success does not happen overnight. In fact, many successful people of recent times attribute their accomplishments to persistence and hard work....


How To Ask Effective Outcome Questions

It is very important for customer service representatives to use effective outcome questions because they steer the conversation away from the problem and focus on the solution. Skillful outcome questions enable an individual to focus on the way the conversation is headed. The skill lies getting the customer to reveal...


Winning Over Big Data for Your Business

Big data analytics has the potential to do great things for businesses. It can help them achieve their goals by delivering valuable insights that can improve their decision-making processes. Many businesses have joined the big data fray recently, but not all of them are getting the results they expect. While...

Surveying Customers man holding phone while leaning on table

The Business of Surveying Customers

In today’s consumer-oriented world, businesses are going the extra mile to better understand their customers. By doing so, they can use the insights they gain to devise strategies and make improvements to achieve greater customer satisfaction. There are many ways to obtain information about customers, and one of them is...


Tune-in to Better Coverage

As a business owner and/or head of a company, marketing your products and/or services is one of your most important tasks. When done right, marketing can lead to new clients and higher revenue. If done wrong, it can mean fewer clients, missed opportunities, and ultimately lower revenue. Whether you sell...


Four P’s Of Customer Retention

It has been approximately 40 years since marketing professor (and subsequent guru) Dr. Philip Kotler coined the concept of the four P’s of marketing – product, price, place, and promotion. While still valid today, Kotler’s original four P’s do not have as much application to customer retention as they do...

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