Category: News Release


Carbanak and beyond: banks face new attacks

Kaspersky Lab identifies new tricks and copycats of the infamous financial cyber-heist A year after Kaspersky Lab warned that cyber-criminals would start to adopt the tools and tactics of nation-state backed APTs in order to rob banks, the company has confirmed the return of Carbanak as Carbanak 2.0 and uncovered...


Kaspersky Lab Exposes the Poseidon Group: A Commercial Malware Boutique Operating on Land, Air and Sea

First ever publicly-known Brazilian Portuguese-speaking cyberespionage campaign targeting financial institutions as well as telecommunications, manufacturing, energy and media companies. Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team has announced the discovery of the Poseidon Group, an advanced threat actor active in global cyber-espionage operations since at least 2005. What makes the...


Asacub Android Trojan: From Information Stealing to Financial Fraud

Kaspersky Lab’s Anti-Malware Research team has discovered Asacub – a new malware that targets Android users for financial gain. When first identified, Asacub displayed all the signs of an information stealing malware; however some versions of the Trojan are targeting users of online banking in Russia, Ukraine and the US....


Consumers Undermine their Online Security by Sharing Passwords

Nearly half (44%) of Internet users admit having shared their passwords with somebody or left them visible for people to see, according to the findings of Kaspersky Lab’s recent consumer surveys*, one of which has 1,394 respondents from the Philippines. This demonstrates a lack of cyber-savviness and could make it...


Free Coworking Impact Hub 2016

Free Coworking Impact Hub 2016 Is Coworking for you? For Social Enterprise Does your venture have a social impact? Looking for a community of like-minded people? Try co-working at Impact Hub Manila today and experience what it’s like to be part of the world’s largest network of impact entrepreneurs! Claim...

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