How to Show Paraphrasing in an Essay: an Expert Guide

Students often need to write essays in college or university. An essay is a task that is used to check your knowledge and understanding of the subject. In this type of assignment, you need to provide your opinion on a state topic. Sometimes, you can choose the topic yourself. But you always need to follow your professor’s instructions.

An essay is a paper with a simple structure where you should present your arguments. To prove your point better, you should also cite authors from the literature. You can provide a direct quote and then analyze it. Another option is to paraphrase the material from your source and explain it. Such a task can be difficult if you are writing your first essay and do not have experience.

For this reason, you may need expert assistance with essay writing. One of the best online services where you can find help from experts is Paying a professional writer can minimize the time you spend on your essay. So, you will have more time to prepare for your exams.

When to Paraphrase Information

Sometimes, you may want to write an essay yourself. In this case, you should pay attention to its structure and your professor’s instructions. Another important point in essay writing is citing your sources. When you talk about an argument, it is better to provide proof from literature. To do this, there are two options – paraphrasing and quoting. Each of them should be used in a special situation.

  1. Paraphrase

Paraphrasing means that you talk about the information from the source in your own words. It is necessary when you need to present the ideas from the source. You can tell them in other words, but they will still provide the author’s opinion.

Paraphrasing is applied when you need to describe a long part of a text. They are a better way if you do not want your paper to get plagiarized. It is mainly an explanation of somebody’s point.

  1. Quote

In quotations, you copy and paste directly the sentences from the source. You should use direct quotes if the words from the sentences are important. This means that your reader needs to get the direct words that the author of the article stated.

You should use quotations if you can’t write them in your words. For example, if the very words from the author are necessary for the analysis. At the same time, quotations do not allow you to state your opinion. They only copy the material from another source without any work from themselves.

The main purpose of paraphrasing is to combine opinions from several sources. If you have several authors that state the same idea, there is no need to quote them all. You can only describe the ideas and how they prove your point. Then, you should analyze the sources in their combination and draw a result. Your ability to analyze the ideas will show how well you understand the topic.

Tips for Paraphrasing in an Essay

When using paraphrasing in your essay, you should follow several tips:

  1. Make sure the paraphrasing is based on your topic

The source you are paraphrasing should be relevant to the topic. This means that you can’t use a quote or paraphrasing in any part of your text. Instead, this should be a means of showing your arguments and examples to them. What is more, you should be aware of what you are writing about.

  1. Cite your paraphrasing

A simple rewrite of sentences in your source will be considered plagiarism for sure. So, it is extremely important to cite each paraphrasing. To do this, you should put the name of the author and the year of publication. You should place them at the end of each sentence where you do not present your own ideas.

  1. Do not use a too complicated language

Paraphrasing is considered a description in your own words. It allows your professor to see that you understand the topic and can talk about it yourself. That is why you do not need to use complicated terms in this part of your text. You should write about it how you understand it.

  1. Change the words in the paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is mainly retelling the text, but not copying it. That is why you should not paraphrase close to the text or only rewrite the sentences word-by-word. You can use your own sentence structures or omit some sentences. The most important point here is to present ideas.

  1. Use note cards

To paraphrase effectively, you can use some special methods. For example, you can write your paraphrased sentences on note cards. Then, compare them with the source. This will allow you to see whether you have included all the necessary information. You will also understand if the sentences are too similar or not.

  1. Follow a proper sentence structure

In your paraphrasing, you can change the structure of sentences. You can use simple sentences instead of compound ones, and vice versa. Another option is to change active and passive voices. But you need to remember that passive voice is limited in academic writing. You should also use synonyms instead of some words in the original.

The Best Essay Writing Service

If you still don’t manage to write your essay, you can ask for help. One of the best services you can address is DoMyEssay. In the company, you can get professional help from writing experts. The writers in the service have a degree in their field and years of experience. They write each paper from scratch, and you always get it in time. This means that you will not be late with your essay even if it is urgent.

What is more, you get a 100% original essay for an affordable price. The writers follow all the instructions from your professor. They understand well how to write college and university papers. So, you can be sure that you will get the highest mark.

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