Deep-Fried Snack Products (Food Business)

Veggie Snack ProductsThe following deep-fried snack products that resemble the chippies and crunchies sold at commercial outlets can be prepared at the household using simple utensils. The energy content of these products range from 450 Kcal to 499 Kcal, ideally suited as snacks for your active and growing children:

Rice-Mongo Crunchies is a combination of 70 parts rice flour and 30 parts mongo flour. This means, for example, that for every 7 cups of rice flour, 3 cups mongo flour is added. Water is added to make a thick dough. The dough is steamed, flattened into thin sheets, cut into desired size, sun-dried then deep-fried. Contains 495 Kcal and 11 grams protein per 100 grams.

Corn-Mongo Crunchies is a combination of 80 parts of corn flour and 20 parts mongo flour. Contains 502 Kcal and 12.4 grams protein per 100 grams.

Rice-Soy Crunchies is a combination of 75 parts rice flour and 25 parts full-fat flour. Contains 492 Kcal and 14 grams protein per 100 grams.

Corn-Soy Crunchies is a soybean-supplemented product prepared from 80 parts corn flour and 20 parts full-fat soy flour. Contains 492 Kcal and 13.4 grams protein per 100 grams.

Nutri-Crunchies is an iron-enriched snack product made from a mixture of 80 parts rice flour, 15 parts skim milk powder and 5 parts animal blood powder. Contains 450 Kcal, 14.6 grams protein and 3.8 mg iron per 100 grams.

Squash Crunchies is a B-carotene rich snack item made from a mixture of 70 parts rice flour, 30 parts squash puree and 10 parts corn flour and sugar. Contains 462 kcal, 6.3 grams protein and 109 mcg RE.

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