How to Make Tilapia Lamayo

Tilapia lamayo recipe. Lamayo is a style of fish preparation wherein the fish (tilapia, danggit or bangus) is marinated with herbs and spices and semi-dried. Making of tilapia lamayo at home is a good business idea for small tilapia farmers for additional income. If you love danggit lamayo and daing na bangus, you will also love this tilapia lamayo. And If you want to know how to make homemade tilapia lamayo, follow the recipe below.

Tilapa Lamayo


1 Kg Tilapia
150 grams salt
350 white vinegar
400 grams water
100 grams white sugar
1 bulb garlic
2 tablespoons ground pepper
Bay leaf as desired

Procedure on how to make Tilapia Lamayo:

1. Wash the fish.
2. Split fish on the dorsal side starting from the tail to the head by running the edge of the knife along the backbone.
3. Remove gills and internal organs. Wash fish to remove the blood and set aside.
4. Prepare brine solution (150 grams salt dissolved to 400 grams water) mix all remaining ingredients in brine solution.
5. Soaked fish for 15 minutes.
6. Arrange fish in drying trays. Sun dry until it becomes dry, glossy or 50% moisture content attained.
7. Air dry after sun drying.
8. Pack and label. Store in clean and dry place.

Processed by NAMANGKA, INC. in Brgy. Dableston, SND, Lanao Del Norte. 09208599917

Photo credit: market manila

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