How to Make Tuna Salami

tuna salamiTuna salami is a type of dry sausage made from tuna meat that is ground up and mixed with fat. It is processed with garlic. Raisin adds not only to the good taste but also to its appearance. Tuna salami is sliced thinly when served and often used for sandwich filling (salami sandwich), for pizza toppings and for viand as well.

You could even sell it to your friends, neighbors, various resto and food shops to earn some extra income. If you love cooking, making tuna salami will make a good sideline business to start for any household moms and even aspiring entrepreneurs.

Below is a recipe on How to Make Tuna Salami. Try it and surely you’ll love it!

Tuna Salami Ingredients:
– 900 g. tuna meat
– 100 g. pork fat
– 1 1⁄2 tbsp . salt
– 1 tsp. sugar
– 1/8 tsp. prague powder number 1
– 1 1⁄2 tsp pepper
– 1 tbsp. garlic (chopped & browned)
– 3⁄4 tsp. mace or all spice
– 2 tbsp. raisin, chopped
– 3 tbsp. flour
– 1⁄2 tsp. MSG
– 1⁄2 tsp. phosphate or skimmed milk
– 1⁄2 tsp. food coloring
– 1⁄2 cup water on ice

1) Select fresh tuna. Grind or chop tuna meat and pork fat.
2) Measure all ingredients and add to the grounded tuna meat and pork fat.
3) Mix until tacky.
4) Cure for 2 days in the middle portion of the refrigerator.
5) Wrap in aluminum foil and steam for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
6) Store until ready for use.

Source: Fisheries Post Harvest Technology Division
Fish Processing section Telephone Nos. 372-50-45/372-50-59
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
860 Arcadia Building, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City 3008


  1. This is a very interesting recipe. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to make this purely pescatarian without pork or other animal fat?

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