How to Make Waffles with Filling

waffle businessHow to make your own signature waffle and start a waffle business.

The phenomenal success of Waffle Time has opened the door for many entrepreneurs to start their own waffle cart business. Everyone else wants to learn these companies’ trade secrets. However, the success of the business does not lie on the recipe itself. It’s a combination of marketing strategy, good location, quality product and service, and branding.

This article will teach you the recipe of making waffles. It’s up to you to try adding some twist to this basic waffle recipe before competing with the established brands. Josie de Jesus, one of the trainers at Ultima Entrepinoy Forum Center, says that they’re teaching their participants to use choco and caramel fillings aside from the usual hotdog, cheese or ham. Other waffle carts use fruit jams as fillings.

Depending on the brand of waffle maker, this project will require more or less P1,000. Waffle maker costs anywhere from P300 to P3,000 while the hand mixer costs anywhere from P500 to P1,500.

Basic Waffle Recipe

* 4 cups all purpose flour
* 3/4 cup white sugar
* 3 pcs eggs
* 3/4 cup cooking oil
* 3/4 cup water
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 tablespoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Equipment and Utensils:
* Waffle Maker
* Spatula
* Tongs
* Mixing bowls
* Whip
* Hand mixer

Step 1. In a bowl, mix the flour, salt and baking powder. Set aside.

Step 2. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid ingredients and sugar. Stir continuously until the sugar dissolves.

Step 3. Using the hand mixer, mix in the flour mixture with the liquid mixture. Gradually increase the speed of the hand mixer until the mixture becomes smooth. Make sure all the flour are mixed in.

While mixing the ingredients, pre-heat the waffle maker.

Step 4. Once the batter is smooth, put it in the pastry bag and fill each slot of the waffle maker. Put the filling on top of the mixture. Then, pour in more batter to cover the filling.

Step 5. Cook the waffle for 3 to 5 minutes until golden brown. Most waffle maker machines have lights that signal if the waffle is already cooked. If the machine you bought does not have this feature, periodically check after the first three minutes if it’s already golden brown.

This recipe yields about 30 pcs small waffles priced at P7 to P8 per piece or 20 pcs medium size waffles at P10 to P12 per piece.

Waffles may take other fancy forms or be presented with a dip or topping. Choco cream may actually be used as waffle dip, here’s how to make one:

Waffle Dip Ingredients:
* 2 cups fresh milk
* 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
* 1/2 cup white sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 1/2 tablespoon butter

1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan.
2. Continuously stir over medium fire.
3. Cook until thick.
4. Put the cream in a food pipe and pipe in in the waffle if it would be used as filling.

Waffle Making Video:
[relatedYouTubeVideos relation=”keywords” terms=”how to make pinoy waffle” max=”1″ width=”600″ height=”400″ preview=”true” orderBy=”relevance”]

* If you want your waffle to be tastier, replace water with evaporated milk or fresh milk.
* Use a food syringe if you’re going to use cream or jam filling.

Ultima Entrepinoy Forum Center
Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines Bldg., 107 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City
Telephone: (02) 411-1349; (02) 742-7866

Source: By Mishell Malabaguio-


  1. Me and my wife tried this, it failed horribly, desperate as we are, we tried to save the batter by doubling the amount of liquid ingredients and mixing it up with the batter again, thought it lacks taste, it was edible enough. I am eating waffles for a week, thanks for this horrifying experience.

  2. Franchise food cart business now. 52,500 lang you can start your business. Just call 093223140269/09358365517

  3. I’m cooking this right now. The batter got too thick even the mixer had a hard time with it.

    1.  batter will only good for one day so prepare just enough so that there is no or little wastage, waffle should only be good for one day if your going to sell it, but ofcourse if youll gonna eat it personally you can put in fridge and will still be good for another day, just microwave it, note  quality of the waffle is not that good, it will be too hard, so better if your going to sell it just prepare what is needed for the day.

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