Why Financial Service Companies Need Blogs Too

When most people think of a blog, they think of industries like food and fashion – possibly of blogs covering the latest entertainment news and gossip like TMZ.com and possibly bloggers with a fair bit of vanity, like any of the Kardashians taking over social media. Maybe you’re into food blogging and you’re picturing your favourite food blog right now. But very few people imagine financial services companies when they think of blogs.

Financial services need blogs too. Here’s why it’s time to build a website 

Every industry has constantly changing news.

Every industry has news that is constantly changing, and there will always be people – industry professionals and enthusiasts – who will want to keep an eye on the industry as it changes. The financial industry is no different, and financial service companies can benefit from hosting a blog just as much as any other professional or company you can think of. The world is constantly changing, and people want to be informed.

Keep readers informed.

Most people are not money-smart, no offense to you or anyone you might know. But this is true. And most people are looking for a way to get informed and learn more about finance and the way they manage their money. When you’re running a financial services blog, this is your gap to keep readers informed about their money issues – people will keep checking back as long as you keep posting interesting content for them to read and share. People like learning things. 

Financial updates are vitally important.

People want to know what’s going on in the world of finance. What are the hottest stocks right now? Should you invest your money right now in investment A or wait for investment B to do better? Who can you ask if you aren’t sure what to do with your money for the next ten years? Your blog as a financial service company is a great place to post financial updates – things a lot of people want to know, and if they can find it out by visiting your blog, then your readership will go up. Why? Because your blog is catering to a certain need: The need for information which all people share.

A blog gives you a face.

Would you trust a company or business that didn’t have a website, a blog or any kind of social media links? Most people would say no these days. So, you can’t really afford to be without a blog – even if you’re a financial services company. People want to know more about you, and a blog provides them with that platform. You can communicate with readers here, too, so a blog gives you an individualized face that helps people get to know you and your business on a level they would not if you didn’t have a blog. 

Answer people’s questions

People might have a lot of questions for you. Have an easily accessible contact form or even chat widget on your website where people can get in touch if they need to know something about their finances. See this as an opportunity to add new clients to your business – almost every enquiry you get is technically a potential client. You just have to convince them first! Your blog is a platform for people to ask the questions they need answers to – and it’s your chance to turn them into clients. 

This will promote your business.

Having a blog helps to promote your business in general. Now, you’re indexed through search engines and people will be able to find you much easier. People will get to hear about you, read your content and find your business which is the most important thing when it comes to promoting your business.



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