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When it comes to food, everyone among us has a different taste and food preferences. Children are clearly no exception to this. But some children are choosier about the food when it’s about the food and we name them PICKY EATERS.


We all have dealt with one such picky eater in our lives. This is especially problematic when you are dealing with a child suffering from health issues due to this eating behavior. This can be troubling because picky eating leads to inadequate intake of nutrients making children deprived of all the nutrients needed for their proper development and growth.

I remember my nephew suffered from this and then my sister took her to the best child specialist who treated the child for the problem. Later it was found that the child was suffering from sensitivity that led to reduced appetite in the child ultimately resulting in picky eating.

Many of you can certainly relate to this situation and must be looking for ways that can help to

increase a child’s appetite leading to better food consumption. Don’t worry, here are some of the tips you can easily rely upon:

1-Don’t skip breakfast

Breakfast remains the most important meal of the day no matter what. Skipping this important meal can be one prominent cause that your child is suffering from appetite problems. So, make sure that you help your child through the problem by ensuring breakfast intake. Try to add protein and other nutritionally rich foods to the breakfast menu to boost metabolism and provide nutrients needed for growth.

2- Water before food

Yes, you heard it right. Make sure that your child is consuming water at least 30 minutes before getting food. This is important because consumption of water before water helps with the secretion of digestive enzymes and juices that are needed for appetite.

3- Increase meal frequency

This is especially important for the kids who have trouble eating 3 times a day because they are not hungry enough. To help this, try to increase the meal frequency and make sure that they are getting regular nutrient supply. Ditch 3 meals a day and split these basic meals further to boost the digestive function and help them get enough nutrition.

4- Limit their milk consumption

Milk, undoubtedly, is a good addition to a child’s diet, but do you know that too much of the milk can be the reason that your child doesn’t feel hungry? This is because milk can affect your child’s appetite, making them a picky eater. So, to deal with the problem you can limit the consumption of too much milk and increase your child’s appetite without working too much.

5- Use spices

Spices are important whenever it’s about appetite. Certain spices can help to increase appetite because they have a positive impact on metabolism. This is not only limited to spices but herbs also have a similar impact. For this reason, adding spices and herbs to your diet can help to enhance your child’s appetite.

6- Work on their physical activity pattern

Faster a child’s metabolism, the hungrier they will feel throughout the day. Keeping this relationship in mind, we know that physical activity has a certainly positive impact on a child’s appetite. If your child has trouble eating, make sure to work on their physical activity patterns. If your child is not staying active enough then make sure to indulge them into different physical activities. This is ultimately good for their growth alongside being a great help towards their appetite enhancement.

7- Don’t discuss stressful topics at meal time

A part of appetite reduction comes from stress and anxiety a child goes through. For this reason, make sure to not discuss these subjects at dinner or lunch table. Not only this, keep an eye on other stress indicators your child may exhibit. This will help your child eat well.

Bottom Line!

Reduced appetite is a common problem many children go through and this is hell of a problem for parents. To deal with this, you may try all these remedies and if nothing seems to work, make sure to consult a physician to get timely assistance.

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