How to Start a Beadwork Accessories Business

Beadwork is the art or craft of attaching beads to one another or to cloth using a needle and thread. Most beadwork takes the form of jewelry or other personal adornment, but beads are also used in wall hangings and sculpture.

diy bead accessories

Most cultures have employed beads for personal adornment. Archaeological records show that people made and used beads as long as 5,000 years ago. Beads have also been used for religious purposes, as good luck talismans and as curative agents.

* Wire comes in range of diameters, or “gauges” – the smaller the diameter, the smaller the gauge. 16-gauge wire is heavier than 24-gauge wire. In this flyer, we will use craft wire, which is readily available in craft stores.
* Craft wire is easy to use, inexpensive, and produces attractive results. Once you master the techniques, you may want to try the designs using sterling silver or gold-filled wire.
* Wire has natural curve. Work for the curve for best results. If you bend the wire back and forth against the curve too many times, it will break. You will also get smoother spirals and loops by working with the curve.
* Cut wire has sharp ends. Take time to smooth these ends with an emery board or cloth to prevent them from poking you or snagging clothing.
* Beads are sized in millimeters be sure the beads you choose have holes large enough for the wires gauge you are using.

I. Estimated Investment Cost

A. Necklace
Cost of Materials and Tools
Direct Materials
Assorted Beads
Php 10.00
Chain Php 8.00
Headpin Php 2.00
Jump Ring
Php 4.00
8-12 in (20-30 cm) 22-24 gauge half hard drive
Php 20.00
Hook and eye clasp
Php 10.00
Subtotal Php 54.00
Indirect Material
Fabric to prevent rolling of beads
Php 40.00
Tools Cost
Needle nose/ Long nose pliers
Php 50.00
Round nose pliers
Php 50.00
Wire cutters
Php 50.00
Tape measure
Php 30.00
Scissors Php 30.00
Subtotal Php 210.00
Estimated Total Investment Costs
Php 304.00
B. Earrings
Cost of Materials and Tools
Materials Cost
Ball beads
Php 10.00
Head pin
Php 2.00
Metal cap
Php 2.00
Ear stud
Php 2.00
Metallic beads
Php 5.00
Ear nut
Php 1.50
French hook
Php 3.00
Subtotal Php 25.50
Indirect Materials
Fabric to prevent rolling of beads
Php 40.00
Needle nose/ Long nose pliers
Php 50.00
Round nose pliers
Php 50.00
Wire cutters
Php 50.00
Tape measure
Php 30.00
Scissors Php 30.00
Subtotal Php 210.00
Total Php 275.50
Based on February 2009 prices

II. Procedure

A. General Procedure

A.1 Plain Loop/ Simple Eye Loop

* Measure about 1/2″ of the wire from the last bead. With the long nose pliers, bend the wire at right angle.
* With round nose pliers, grasp the very end of the wire. Where you place the wire in the jaws will determine the loop size. Use the tip for tiny loop and the widest part of the jaw for a large loop.
* Use needle nose pliers to flatten and straighten the loop. It should sit at the center of the wire end. Leave the loop open.

A.2 Wrapped Loop

* Measure about 1 1/2″ of the wire. With the long nose pliers, bend the wire at right angle.
* Using a round nose pliers, position the jaws vertically in the bend.
* Bring the wire over the top jaw of the pliers.
* Keep the jaws vertical and reposition the pliers’ lower jaw snugly in the loop. Wrap the wire down and around the bottom of the pliers. This is the first half of a wrapped loop.
* Position the chain nose pliers’ jaws across the loop.
* Wrap the wire tail around the wire stem, covering the stem between the loop and the top bead. Trim the excess wrapping wire and press the end close to the wraps with chain nose or crimping pliers.

A.3 Flat Spiral

* Place the round nose pliers at the wire end and turn to make a loop.
* Grasp the loop firmly with the needle nose pliers. Gently turn the pliers clockwise, holding the wire flat with your fingers and feeding it into tight spirals.
* Continue until it reaches the diameter of your bead.

B. Specific Procedure

B1. Chuncky Necklace with Wrapped Beads

* Select the beads that you would like to wrap.
* Prepare the wire coil.
* Place the bead at the center of the coil. Bend the coiled wire until it covers the bead.
* For the other beads, insert the headpin on the hole of chain. Start from the middle.
* Open a jump ring and insert the toggle clasp then attach to the chain. Do the same to the other end.

B2. Pearl Earrings

* Get the headpin. Place the metal cap in convex position then the ball bead followed by the metallic bead.
* Make an eye loop.
* Insert the french hook on the loop. Close the loop using the needle nose pliers.

III. Estimated Costing and Pricing

1. Necklace
A. product Costing (per piece)
a.1 Direct Cost
Php 54.00
a.2 Indirect Cost
Particulars Cost
Labor cost (1 worker)
(Php 380/day min. wage x 1)
Php 31.67
Transportation Cost (Php 100.00)
Php 8.33
Water and Electricity (Php 40.00)
Php 3.33
Contingency Cost (10% of direct cost)
Php 5.40
Total Indirect Cost
Php 48.73
a.3 Production Cost
Particulars Cost
Total Direct Cost
Php 54.00
Add: Total Indirect Cost
Php 48.73
Total Product Cost
Php 102.73
B. Estimated Product Pricing
Particulars Cost
Production Cost per piece
Php 102.73
Add: 20% mark-up (mark-up cost is between 10%-40%)
Php 20.55
Estimated Selling Price per piece
Php 123.28
Market Price
Php 150- Php 200
2. Earrings
A. Product Costing per piece
a.1 Direct Cost
Php 25.50
a.2 Indirect Cost
Particulars Cost
Indirect Cost
Labor Cost (1 worker)
(Php 380/day min. wage x 1) Php 31.67
Transportation Cost (Php 100.00)
Php 8.33
Water and Electricity (Php 40.00)
Php 3.33
Contingency Cost (10% of direct cost)
Php 2.55
Total Indirect Cost
Php 45.88
a.3 Production Cost
Particulars Cost
Total Direct Cost
Php 25.50
Add: Total Indirect Cost
Php 45.88
Total Product Cost
Php 71.38
B. Estimated Product Pricing
Particulars Cost
Production Cost/piece
Php 71.38
Add: 20% mark-up (mark-up cost is between 10%-40%) Php 14.28
Estimated Selling Price per piece
Php 85.66
Market Price/piece
Php 120 – Php 150
Based on 12 pieces daily average produce

IV. Registration Requirements

Click here on How to register your Beadwork Accessories Business



  1. I want to know if where I can budget-friendly purchase those materials needed for the business.

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