How to Start a Freelance Writing Business

Start Your Own Business as a Freelance Writer

By Doug Dillard

The best business for any wordsmith is the freelance writing service business. The writer can work from home, and live a comfortable life. There was a time when the freelance writing contracts were limited or were available to a few good writers who were well connected. The others had to struggle. Today the situation is very different. There is more work available than freelance writers. Much of this has happened on account of the Internet. It has made it possible for more writers to set up their own freelance writing service business. A few have even started working on a business process outsourcing model, where they obtain work and pass it on to others to complete at a lower rate. This enables writers to make much more money.

Target market: The freelance writing business is not limited to writing articles for newspapers and magazines as is generally presumed. There is a much larger market out there. Freelance writers are required for writing copy for advertisements and brochures. They are also needed to generate newsletters and write copy for websites. The more talented can do ghost writing for e-books. They can also write scripts for plays and films, if they have the ability. Freelance workers can now join Internet sites like or and bid for work. They can decide which projects suit them, and how much they will charge for their services. They can even decide how much work they need to do to live a lifestyle of their linking.

Qualifications: There are no qualifications needed to be a good writer. What is needed is a good command over language. The writer should be able to write clean and crisp copy without spelling errors or syntax errors. Most important, the writer should be able to meet deadlines. This is because there is no fixed time or season to get writing assignments. Most assignments come at the most unexpected time, and the writers should be willing to complete them on time if they want to run a successful freelance writing service business.

Investment: A freelance writer needs a computer with an Internet connection to start a freelance writing service business. A laptop is even more useful because it allows the writer to continue work even when on a holiday. The writer needs no special software other than word processing software and PDF.

Earnings: The earnings of a writer depend upon the amount of work the writer is willing to undertake. It also depends upon the nature of work. The highest paid writers are those who take up advertising or brochure writing work. They can easily hope to make $5,000 a month from their home. Writers who handle piecemeal work can hope to make $2,000 to $3,000 a month. The magazine and newspaper work is no less lucrative. Established magazines need freelance contributors all the time. They also pay well.

Promotion: The word-of-mouth publicity is the best way to promote a freelance writing service business. Companies want to entrust work to those freelance writers who have a name. The same is true of advertising agencies. However, the setting up of online auction sites where writers can bid for work has made it easy for new and aspiring writers. They can now hope to show their talent and build a name quickly.

Writing is one skill that improves with time and experience. It is also very creative and can provide immense satisfaction. It is especially suited for those who want to work from the comfort of their homes. You too can start a freelance writing service business if you can conjure magic with words.

Doug Dillard has started and run many home-based businesses over the past 25 years. He has created a great site for those of you looking to start your own home-based business, but don’t know how to get started. Visit his website: for more information.

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