Starting a Preschool or Day Care Center

Starting a Preschool or Day Care Center

Almost every community needs a preschool or day-care center, with both parents usually working now; there is a growing need for these establishments. Besides this, children who enter formal schooling are expected to already have some knowledge and so preschool has now become a necessity.

A preschool or day care center is mainly established to help in the values formation and socialization of children aged 3 to 6 years old. The facility is intended for parents to prepare their children for grade school.

As the population increases, the preschool education also steadily boomed and has become a profitable venture in the Philippines. The parents’ awareness for the need to enroll their children in the centers has in fact been a reason for most of them to save money for the purpose.

For those who are interested in this venture, here are guidelines on how to start a preschool or day care center:

• Select a teaching method which you think is best for the children to learn. You may choose from the following philosophies: Montessori, Waldorf, Multiple Intelligence, etc.

• Look an ideal location. The best suitable site will be a highly populated area, where public transport is accessible.

• Register your business with the DTI for single proprietorship, or with the SEC if partnership or corporation.

• Get permit and license to operate at the DepEd and DSWD.

• Secure Barangay Clearance. This is needed before you can apply for a municipal license.

• Get a mayor’s permit and license to operate.

• Register with the BIR, SSS, Phil Health, Pag-Ibig.

• Build the structure. Aside from the classrooms, it helps if you provide facilities like library, laboratory, play area, canteen, and clinic. Have separate comfort rooms for boys and girls.

• Hire a School Administrator / Director. DepEd requires that he / she should have at least a master’s degree (preferably MA in Education). The school administrator / directress will be in charge of parent-teacher relations, curriculum supervision, finance and budget, school policy and discipline, and all other school matters.

• Hire other employees. You have to hire qualified preschool teachers. He / She should not only be a good teacher, but also must be kind, patient, resourceful, and fun. You also need to employ the services of a teacher aide, and a janitor.

• Look for suppliers. Know where to buy books, educational toys, school tables and chairs, uniforms, computers, first-aid kits, air-conditioning units and IDs. Also, scout for school service operators, insurance agencies and field trip coordinators.

• Determine how much tuition fee you will be charging. It helps to know the matriculation of the competitors. Also consider what additional value you may offer versus the others, so you may integrate this with your pricing.

• Market your service. Give out fliers and brochures to your target clients. You may also join neighborhood bazaars, or organize open house events so the parents and their children can come to your place to have an actual classroom experience before they enroll in your center.

Finally, for a preschool or day care center to be successful, learn to genuinely care for the children, with education as your utmost concern. To find out more about how to start a preschool or day care center you may attend a one-day seminar on the topic at BusinessCoach, Inc. You may contact them at (02) 727.5628, (02) 727.8860, or 0915-205-0133, or visit their website:

*Reposted with permission. Originally published by the Manila Bulletin. Written by Ruben Anlacan, Jr. (President, BusinessCoach, Inc.) All rights reserved.

By: BusinessCoach, Inc.


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