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There are many different shed designs that can protect against storms. What’s most important is that you choose the different features and elements of a shed that will accommodate inclement weather. This means each aspect of the shed should align with best practices for strength and durability. Below are seven effective shed design features that are worthy of consideration.

1. Overall Structural Design

The overall structural design of a shed will dictate its strength. This means it’s important to ensure the construction of the shed follows the recommendations provided by the manufacturer. Sometimes there is a tendency to ignore certain recommendations to simplify the construction process. Given the potential danger associated with a poorly constructed shed, it’s prudent to follow all guidelines to ensure it’s well built.

2. Sturdy Storage Units

What’s stored in a shed can have an impact on its ability to withstand a storm. If there is equipment that’s stored on the walls of a shed and it causes sagging, this can diminish the quality of construction. To maintain a shed that’s sturdy, it’s best to minimize the number of storage units placed on the actual walls of the shed and opt for standalone storage units. Whenever possible, it’s best to keep equipment at a slight distance from the structure of the shed to avoid pressure points or other types of damage.

3. Wood Sidings

If you will have a garden near your shed, it may be a good idea to install wood sidings. This will be for the purpose of establishing a garden that does not interfere with the structural integrity of the shed. You can even use the wood siding for trellises, which is to help plants grow on the side of the shed. Using wood sidings will prevent the garden from negatively impacting the shed.

4. Stud Framing

A quality shed will have a wall that’s stud-framed. This is part of the design that’s required for it to withstand a storm. The shed will likely include either metal, wood or plastic materials. Whichever is chosen, it’s important that you ensure quality siding materials as opposed to selecting materials that are cheaper and less robust.

5. Zoning Compliance

There is a reason why local municipalities have zoning requirements. By following the zoning laws, you have a better chance of ensuring the structure can withstand a storm. The laws in your area will dictate the maximum size of a shed, which will play a role in its ability to withstand a storm.

6. Strong Foundation

The foundation of a shed makes a difference in whether or not there will be an issue when a storm occurs. When buying a shed, it’s common to choose the type of flooring you want separately. This gives you a chance to select the kind of flooring that is sufficient enough to accommodate your needs based on how the shed will be used. Since the flooring sets the foundation, it must be solid and built in a way that is not directly on the ground or soil. If the foundation gets wet during a storm, it can ultimately destroy the shed.

7. Décor Considerations

The décor of your shed matters in that you want to make sure you include elements in the design that are weatherproof. This includes the widows that are chosen, the access point and interior elements. It’s best to keep the décor at a minimum to avoid unnecessary damage.

The design of a shed is important for protection against storms in many ways. As previously mentioned, one of the most significant aspects is ensuring the shed complies with regulations. Whether you are building the shed on your own or you’ve purchased a shed that’s already built, it’s important to ensure it complies with regulations. It’s also important to ensure the materials are of the best possible quality.

A noteworthy issue that cannot be undervalued is making sure there are no electrical issues surrounding the shed as this could create a hazardous situation during a storm. You can learn more about best practices in shed design through ShedQuotes.

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