7 Reasons Why Now is the Right Time to Install Solar

Everyone is ready to bid farewell to Covid. While there are do’s and don’ts to worry about, there is a trending concern for many. Spending lots of your time at home automatically increases your energy bills. However, you can spare yourself the unbelievable figures by opting for renewable energy sources. So, there has never been a better time to install solar panels in Australia than now.

These 7 points may help you understand why more homeowners, especially families, are going solar. A solar panel installation is one of the economic securities that is becoming a necessity for most households. So, why is now the perfect time for solar panels?

1. With more people at home, the power use – and power bills – will surge

Although some restrictions have eased up due to increased Covid vaccinations, isolation means we spend way too much time at home. And unless this predicament dies down, we shouldn’t expect many changes now.

The fact is everyone is staying indoors, from parents working from home, children schooling with their guardians, and even young adults who had leapt to study in different regions or live independently are coming back home.

Let’s face it; luck will be on your side if your bill doesn’t double up. With the increased use of daytime power, many families are experiencing shocking power bills. You can worry less by installing solar panels. This will help you stay afloat with your finances, especially during these difficult times.

2. Solar works from day 1 to help reduce your current power bills – and keeps at itfor years

Maybe you aren’t ready to invest in solar. What is the worst that could happen? You will keep fattening the power company with increased energy bills. Come to think of it, this is money you could have channelled into a worthy investment that will serve you for more years to come. With three $700 power bills alone, you can pay more than half your solar power system. But being generous to your company isn’t bad either, except they will not return the same gratitude!

Once you install solar panels, you minimise your bills from that day going forward. It literally pays for itself and tops up some good returns. All you need to do is be on top of your solar panel efficiency with routine maintenance.

With 6.6kW solar panels, you can produce approximately 9300kWh of power yearly. Your power company sells its kWh of power at $0.29. If you utilise 70% of the power, 6510kWh, you will save yourself $1900 per year. So you can pay for the panel in less than two years.

Afterwards, you get to save your money and channel it to a worthy cause for your system’s entire lifetime. You save over $20,000 after the first fifteen years. Go the extra mile by adding a Tesla Powerwall Home Battery system to reap more. Prioritise on economic security by going solar now!

3. Finance options available

If the market cost of solar panels sends some chills, various financing options are available. With the reduction of acquisition costs and incorporation of small payments that may cost you a cup of coffee per day, what’s your excuse? Your economic stability is in your hands!

It’s mostly a beneficial case where you will save from these systems, cover the cost with little costs per day, and put some of that money in your pocket.

With solar panels, you don’t have to suffer at the hands of surging power bills. You only sacrifice the cost of coffee to own a system that will sooner or later recover these costs. And when you feel up to the task, you can pay out the remaining amount as you like.

4. Aussie dollar uncertainty

It’s no longer a secret that the Aussie dollar is declining in value. You can expect an increase in prices all around, and solar panels won’t be an exception.

Most solar panels and inverters in Australia are imported. In fact, many vendors are already hinting at an expected increase in the prices of these systems. As expected, every increase in cost is passed to the consumer. So get your solar now to prevent the uncertainty of currency markets and increased prices from coming between you and your system.

5. Government incentives decreasing

If you have your eye on the solar market, you will notice that government incentives reduce by 7% per year. These are generally the Small Technology Certificates. As of 2020, a 6.6kWh system could secure a government incentive amounting to $3600. The longer you take, the more it reduces. So, grab your opportunity now!

6. Solar is a perfect option if you are on a fixed income

If you depend on the fixed income from investments, they may fall because of the volatility of financial markets. There are various ways to handle this effect. One is minimising your fixed and variable expenditure. As mentioned earlier, solar is your key to financial freedom with reduced power bills that will leave more to save from the first day and years into the future.

Deferring solar means you have to keep paying your power bills from your pocket. Even with as little as $250 a quarter, that’s a whopping $100,00 of wasted money for a decade.

7. Solar is good for the environment

What if your energy source was doing some greater good for humankind? Solar panels Victoria generates clean and free energy that doesn’t harm the environment as opposed to fossil fuels. The installation of a 6.6kWh system in NSW offsets up to 8,000kg of carbon emissions yearly and 160 tonnes for approximately two decades.

Whether you are an environmental steward or not, contributing to a healthy planet while saving money with a system that pays for itself seems like an option to consider. Solar panel installation is certainly a sensible decision that gives you financial security.


Ready to switch to solar? Choose a solar company certified by the Clean Energy Council for high-quality systems and installation that will stand the tests of time.

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