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There are a number of new home builders in Sydney who have come up with a lot of creative ideas which are very different from the norm. These designs are great for those who want to make their home uniquely theirs, and you may not have to spend a fortune before you know it.

Design Inspirations

Here are 10 unique design inspirations for your new home construction:

1) Indoor Garden

The indoor garden is a great way to bring some natural beauty right into your home and make it look more appealing. Whether you want to grow herbs or flowers, this is something that can improve the overall design of your interior.

2) The In-Laws Wing

The in-laws wing is a concept that was very popular from the 50s to the 70s. This particular design allowed houses to have a small and separate house that is adjacent to their main house. The concept remains very much in trend today and is commonly used for renovating old homes instead of building an entirely new structure.

3) Swimming Pool on the Balcony

This trend is quickly catching on as people are becoming more and more interested in outdoor living spaces. Having a pool on your balcony can make it very convenient for you to use. It will also add a lot of value to your home as well. Just be sure that the water is properly screened and all safety measures are in place before allowing your children or guests to enjoy this feature.

4) Walk-In Shower

This is one feature that’s becoming increasingly popular with the younger generation, who has been brought up on some pretty amazing TV shows where they get to see the rich living their lifestyle, and enjoying its luxuries. This is a great idea for a contemporary home and can also help improve the overall design of your bathroom.

5) Spiral Staircase

This is another design feature that is commonly used in many homes today. Using this type of staircase can be very interesting and fascinating for those who want to turn their staircase into something unique and appealing. This particular type of staircase is also very easy to find, especially in older homes. If you have an old home that is not very up-to-date with its design, this may be a great option for you.

6) The Loft Bed

This particular concept also has a lot of historical value as well, meaning lots of people will remember how cool it was to have a bedroom or other space above their living area. This could also be a great option for people who want a little bit of privacy when they sleep.

7) Outdoor Patio

This can be a great choice for homeowners who are wanting to add a lot of value to their home. If you have the right amount of space, you can make an outdoor patio that is large enough for a whole group of people to gather on. You can also create different types of furniture and arrangements like chairs, ottomans, and tables so that it becomes very attractive.

8) Roof Deck

In recent years, this has become a very popular concept in Australia. There are many rooftop decks that have been constructed in major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. Anew home builder even pointed out that if you do not have enough room to create a separate entrance, you could always use your roof deck as the main entrance to your home.

9) The Big Wall

The big wall is a very popular concept in the design of houses. If you have a large section of land to cover, you will be able to create a wall that is used as the primary design feature of your home. It will help make the structure stand out and also give it a long and interesting shape. The driving force behind this design is to create an area where you can lay out your belongings along with some furniture, or even display art or statues as well.

10) Greenhouse

Greenhouses are very common in Australia, and they are also used to make a lot of homes look more attractive as well. These features can add value to your home and give it a unique feel as well. You will also be able to get some pretty amazing crops when you use them as an extension of your home space.


Sydney is one of the most popular places to live in Australia, and for many homebuyers, this is their first choice. The Australian capital has a wide range of new home building trends which can help make your home look really unique and attractive. One of the easiest ways to improve the appeal of your home is to choose a theme that you like and use it as a foundation for your home’s design. These trends will help create something that is truly special and spectacular for you and anyone else who sees it as well.

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