Working from home has a lot of benefits. You will be free from the commute hassles, co-worker distractions and you will be able to finish your work from the comforts of your own home. If you live in a Fort condo for sale, then you will be treated to a beautiful sight of Fort Bonifacio, something that will surely relax you every time you take a break from work.

However, one challenge of working from home is finding a place where you can work properly. Of course you can’t work on your bed. You have to have a stable work space so you can finish your tasks. a spare bedroom is a great choice especially if you don’t have guests often. Here are some ways on how you can utilize all four walls of a room and transform it into your office:
Start from scratch
The best way to know how you can revamp the room is by emptying it and starting from scratch. Take some rough measurements so you’ll know where to place large items like your desk, work table, and file cabinets. If you can, make a drawing of the room. Take note of the electrical outlets, furnace vents and door swings. Feel free to use an interior design software as this can save you time and physical labor.

Be efficient and creative
Bedrooms are not as big as the living room or entertainment room so you have to make the most out of every space. Use space saving measures. Moving a piece of furniture from one side of the room to the other can sometimes make a world of difference. Put up some shelves and storage cubbies on your wall to keep your things neat and organized. If you have some space in your clothes rack, put up a hanging storage shelf where you can store office supplies like pens, papers, markers, and paper clips. If you have a storage ottoman, you can use it as a small chair or a place to put your feet up.
Establish comfort and functionality
It is important that your office is comfortable and functional at the same time. Don’t use a plastic chair when you can have an office chair. This will help support your back and neck and allow your feet to rest flat on the floor. Invest in a good lamp for your desk or work table. This way, you won’t have to strain your eyes when reading or using your computer.
Once you are done converting your room into your office, don’t be hesitant on hanging a “Don’t Disturb” sign on the door. This way, the people in your house will know better to knock instead of barging in your room. Also, make sure to take care of your things too especially your electronic gadgets. The last thing you want to happen is spilling a cup of coffee on your laptop and suffering the consequences while in the middle of work.
I agree. You need to establish comfort and functionality. Make sure you have a separate working space and make it as far as possible to your bed.