Besides being handy for storing clothes in the closet, clip hangers can be used in lots of other ways in your home and business. As such, you never have to leave those hangers lying around when they can be used for lots of other purposes.

Every closet remains incomplete without the right set of hangers, as these tools are a must-have for ease in storing your clothes. Fortunately, the market is flooded with hangers of all styles and sizes, making it easier to find a customized solution that suits your needs. From lightweight and cheap hangers for shirts and blouses to heavy-duty hangers for coats and heavy jackets, all requirements have been taken into account. Consequently, finding the right hangers for all requirements has greatly been simplified and made better with the exciting styles availed by leading suppliers. There is equally the freedom of opting for metal hangers, plastic hangers, or wooden hangers, depending on your preferences. Ultimately this gives everyone the desired freedom to settle for hangers that will make them extra fun to have and use.
The primary reason why anyone ever buys clip hangers is to assist in the storage and organization of their closets. Nonetheless, these cloth storage solutions are not only limited for use in closets as they can be used in other creative ways. As such, if you ever find yourself having too many hangers than is needed for the closet, it is time to get a little creative. Instead of leaving these essential items lying around unused, with some out of the box ideas, they can be put into good use. Among the smart ways that you can embrace to give hangers extra functionality include;
1. Hang your wet clothes as they dry
This is one of the most practical ways that you can use clip hangers outside the closet beside the fact that it resolves a major concern for anyone who does their laundry. Instead of being limited to using the washing line each time, hangers give you the much-needed ease in exploring other options for airing your laundry. One thing you are guaranteed to love about using clip hangers to hang wet clothes is you easily get to save on space and is suitable for indoor use. If your laundry room is big enough, you can fully utilize it by using hangers whenever you need to air those wet clothes.
2. Keep your jewelry organized
Are you tired of having to spend close to half an hour looking for that earring or necklace that you cannot seem to remember its exact location? Well, this is a problem that could entirely be resolved by getting creative with your hangers and transforming them into jewelry holders. If you are using wooden hangers, all you need are small screw hooks, and you have the perfect place to store your jewelry. For plastic pant/skirt hangers, this becomes easier as you have a metallic joint that can instantly be used to hang jewelry. For enhanced convenience, you can then place the hangers next to your dressing mirror and have ease in picking the right pieces for the day.
3. Hang your kitchen and bathroom towels
If you ever find yourself struggling with finding the perfect way to hang your towel while in the bathroom or kitchen, then hangers are a go-for solution. A simple way to achieve this is by turning a hanger on its head to have two spots for hanging towels. The bigger towels can be placed on the swivel hook and smaller ones placed on the crossbar. The same technique can be implemented in your kitchen and ensure you never have to put your clean towels on the counter.
4. Make your coat rack
If you do not have a coat rack, then you understand the struggle whenever you have to hang coats or hats. Fortunately, you can take charge and create a DIY coat rack that has excellent functionality by using a piece of board and a few wooden hangers. The hangers are to be sliced at an angle, leaving sufficient room for the swivel to be used for hanging smaller items such as keys or bags. The wooden part can then be used to hang coats and hats after the board has been firmly attached to the wall.
5. Make a DIY cookbook stand
It is exciting to be trying out that new recipe, but it is a struggle to keep your cookbook protected from any mess. Instead of having to purchase cookbook stands, you can make use of your skirt hangers to resolve the problem at hand. All you have to do is use the clips to keep the recipe page open and then hang it over the cupboard door.
Clip hangers are a must-have item in any home, thanks to their excellent functionality in storing clothes. However, these items can be used in lots of other exciting ways outside the closet.