Global Expansion for Retailers

Just because a retail concept works in one country or territory doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work in terms of success in another country. There are no written rules and many large retailers have met failure when trying to establish themselves in a new territory despite great success in the likes of their home country.

That’s not to say that expansion won’t be successful but it does mean that its approach needs to be methodical and well thought out in its planning tactics. The guys over at Storetraffic have put together this useful infographic which looks at the whole area of retail global expansion and how it should be approached. It looks at the reasons why retailers would want to expand globally; it examines the steps needed to be taken in order to try it in a methodical way; it details some major retailers who have witnessed success and failure in international expansion and it also gives insight from some industry experienced individuals. Check it out below.

Global expansion for retail An Infographic

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