Google My Business For Retail

Google My Business(GMB) is an opportunity for retailers to really stand out. This infographic from Store Traffic takes you through the entire process of setting one up. Any retailer should have their profile optimised as it really is such a cheap win.

All you really have to do is verify your address with Google and your business will be live. From there, just keep on top of it to make sure its updated and try to get regularly reviews to push your listing up near the top of Google.

You often have to ask customers for reviews as they often need the extra push. Most customers will be happy to leave a review if you ask them nicely. One vital thing on Google My Business is to keep your opening hourS information accurate. The last thing you want is to have a customer come all the way to our store to find it closed when your GMB said it was open. Find out everything you need to know about GMB in the infographic.

Google My Business Infographic

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