How Staff Leasing Works for Your Business

Outsourcing or getting a remote staff to do some of your organizational functions is a highly favored practice. There are many benefits to outsourcing, but for employees whose job involve key business functions, outsourcing is a practice that allows them to focus on their responsibilities, without worrying about other tasks like back-office support.

One of the outsourcing models that you can consider for your business is staff leasing, wherein a company outsources its human resources with the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). The PEO also assists in finding the right people for different tasks like admin work, HR, accounting, and many others.

What makes staff leasing different from traditional outsourcing is that in a staff leasing solution, the client still has the responsibility in managing the outsourced team. This is usually done by instilling a team leader who will work alongside the leased staff.

Learn more about the benefits of getting a leased staff, the process of how to implement this model, and many other tips that will help you decide whether to get staff leasing or not, with the infographic below.

Staff Leasing Infog Final 01


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