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Happy employees are more productive – they work harder, produce better results, and consistently exceed expectations. To cement the point further, one study shows that happy employees are 20% more productive than unhappy ones while another reveals that sales professionals can boost sales by as much as 37%. As such, it’s no surprise that more business owners, managers, and employers are placing higher regard on employee satisfaction these days.

But in today’s multi-generation workforce, it’s becoming increasingly harder to satisfy employees. Older generations want better health benefits, while the younger professionals may choose recreational perks and more paid time off than financial gain. That’s most likely why more companies are individualizing benefits packages for different types of workers.

Admittedly, achieving employee happiness isn’t an easy feat, especially when you must also consider your budget. So, just how do find the right formula for employee satisfaction? Thankfully, there are various ways you can improve employee engagement, boost their morale, and ultimately make them happy in the workplace. Here’s an infographic that provides effective ways to make employees happy. Perhaps it can inspire your employee satisfaction initiatives!

make employees happy

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