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Some people claim the American Dream is dead but for the 6-people featured in this infographic from Hansen & Company it seems to be very much alive. Immigrants seem to have a special knack at being successful in business and they are responsible for a much higher percentage of entrepreneurship than the average American.

Let’s look at Jerry Yang, founder of Yahoo, who arrived in America age 8. When he arrived, he knew one word of English “shoe”, but he would go on to found one of the biggest search engines in the world.

Another very successful entrepreneur was Andy Grove who co-founded the Intel Corporation, which remains one of the biggest companies in the world. He arrived in America in 1957 with no money and very poor English but it didn’t stop his drive one bit. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2016 from Parkinson’s disease.

Check out the complete infographic now for more about Immigrants who came to America and found success.

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