There are several benefits to SEO outsourcing. For one, you can outsource SEO on a one-time project rather than hiring an in-house SEO manager. In addition, you can get your campaign done at a lower price since local SEO teams are less expensive. The best part is that they can save you half of what an in-house manager would cost you.
Outsourcing SEO is beneficial to both the in-house marketing team and the agency. An agency can hire an SEO company and take on more clients without compromising its current resources. Aside from removing stress, an outsourcing SEO team can meet tight deadlines and boost their efficiency. Plus, they can work with your existing marketing team without compromising their own work. And because of their experience and expertise, they can fix any SEO problems that may arise.
For more information about outsourcing SEO, check out this infographic from White Label SEO Agency: