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Online networking has replaced traditional professional networking events more now that we’re all working remotely. What if instead of being disappointed by canceled conferences or meet-ups, we focused on the perks of networking online? After all, some of the best networking events are going digital and will be more accessible than ever before. 

Plus, no matter your industry or career level, there are opportunities to participate in remote networking through virtual gatherings like webinars, workshops, and more. In these types of digital events, you get the chance to network with fellow participants and industry leaders like you would at a conference, but usually in a smaller, more personal group. Additionally, there are Facebook & LinkedIn groups, Slack communities, and other digital cohorts where you can connect and share ideas. 

As businesses move towards a permanently remote workforce, online networking will continue to be popular. Even if you’re just starting your career, there’s potential for forging meaningful relationships through online networking beyond just LinkedIn. In fact, this new wave of digital networking is almost limitless, and the lack of geographic barriers is exciting. Check out the visual guide below from LiveCareer for tips on how to make the most of it.

networking online

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