PEOPLE POWER COOPERATIVE – Metro Manila – People Power CooperativeVerified EmployerThis seal certifies that the information and activity of this Employer has been carefully verified by Worksvianet. People Power Cooperative (PPC) is a service cooperative of self-employed and non-regular workers and professionals who wants to improve the quality of their economic lives. Information technology introduces the concept of transforming employees to entrepreneurs in a cooperative enterprise. With expertise of pressing problems such as the issue of contractual workers and their productivity, PPC uses a model which ensures the long – term engagement of these contractual employees via Self Employment. The model eliminates the disadvantages brought about by the current status of employer-employee relationship, thus, the formation of a self-employed worker cooperative. This ingenious solution makes each member enjoy the status of a a self-employed worker by making them co-owners of the cooperative. We all are coopitalists bound by a co…
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