Philippines – PLEASE READ TO KNOW IF THIS CAREER OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU FOR FILIPINOS RESIDING IN THE PHILIPPINES ONLY We are currently expanding and we need 5 qualified FILIPINO HR to handle the recruitment. Background in HR is not necessary, but you must pass our hiring process and the tests. The job is not easy, it’s going to be very challenging and it will include a lot of learning. We don’t hire just anyone, we only want those who like to work on tough challenges, ones who are able to learn and grow. Please see details below to see if this position is a right fit for you or not. **Starting is $2 USD per hour. If you are able to quickly learn and grow, then the base salary will increase in proportion to your learning and growth. **There are six training levels and it can take a minimum of two years to two and a half years to achieve mastery. **If you get hired, you will be under probation for 90 days. The first three weeks will be culture and foundation training. Each time you complete…
Read more here:: Homebased HR Personnels Entry Level with Superior Benefits