TESDA – Philippines – POSITION: Two (2) Director III (Re-open) TESDA – Philippines POSITION : Two (2) Director III (Re-open) ITEM NOs : TESDA-OEOB-DIR3-46-2017(TESDAB-DIR3- 390002-2003) vice Luz Victoria G. Amponin (Promoted) TESDA-OEOB- 19-2017 (TESDAB-DIR3-300018-2003) vice Felicidad B. Zurbano (Retired) OFFICE : Executive/ Provincial Office income : Php102,910.00/month RATA : P17,000.00 PERA : P2,000.00 THE HIREE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: ? Responsible in managing the operations and activities of the TESDA Provincial Office; ? Establishes and maintains partnerships with external parties/ stakeholders in TVET; ? Directs the formulation of policies relative to the implementation and promotion of programs to support HR development initiatives; ? Directs the planning of programs and activities relative to the various provincial programs and the resources required for their effective and efficient execution; ? Directs the efficient execution of plans with organized systems and proced…
Read more here:: Offer: POSITION: Two (2) Director III (Re-open)