Causes of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice lawsuits are filed when healthcare providers breach their duty of care, resulting in injury or harm to a patient. These lawsuits can be filed against doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. While not all medical errors lead to cases, there are several common causes of medical malpractice lawsuits.

Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis

Chicago med mal lawyer can be helpful in misdiagnosis cases. Chicago has many lawyers and law firms offering many legal services to residents and businesses. Whether you need assistance with a personal injury claim, a business dispute, medical malpractice, or a criminal defense case, you can find a qualified and experienced attorney in Chicago.

Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis is a leading cause of medical malpractice lawsuits. Misdiagnosis occurs when a healthcare provider incorrectly identifies a medical condition, leading to incorrect or delayed treatment. Delayed diagnosis occurs when a healthcare provider fails to identify a medical condition promptly, resulting in a patient’s condition worsening. 

Surgical Errors and Anesthesia Mistakes

Surgical errors include wrong-site surgery, leaving surgical instruments inside the patient’s body, and nerve damage during surgery. Anesthesia mistakes can consist of administering the wrong amount or type of anesthesia, resulting in injury or harm to the patient. Surgical errors and anesthesia mistakes can also lead to lawsuits.

Medication and Prescription Errors

Medication and prescription errors can occur in various ways, including prescribing the wrong medication or dosage, failing to consider potential drug interactions, or administering the medication incorrectly. These errors can lead to severe injury or harm, especially in patients with pre-existing medical conditions.

Birth Injuries and Obstetric Malpractice

Birth injuries and obstetric malpractice can have devastating consequences for the mother and child. Examples of birth injuries include cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injuries, and fetal distress. Obstetric malpractice can include failing to monitor the baby’s heart rate, delayed C-sections, and improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors.

Failure to Obtain Informed Consent

Healthcare providers must obtain informed consent from their patients before performing any medical procedure or treatment. Failure to get consent can lead to lawsuits if the patient experiences harm or injury due to the system or treatment.

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect are a growing concern in the healthcare industry. Neglect can include failing to provide adequate care, while abuse can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. These actions can lead to severe injury or harm to vulnerable elderly patients.

Inadequate Follow-Up Care

Inadequate follow-up care can occur when a healthcare provider fails to provide appropriate follow-up care after a medical procedure or treatment. This can result in delayed diagnosis or treatment of a medical condition, leading to injury or harm to the patient.

Laboratory and Test Result Errors

Laboratory and test result errors can occur when healthcare providers fail to correctly analyze or interpret test results. These errors can lead to incorrect diagnosis or treatment, resulting in severe injury or harm to the patient.

Miscommunication and Poor Record-Keeping

Poor communication between healthcare providers can result in missed diagnoses or inadequate treatment. Poor record-keeping can also lead to incorrect treatment or medication errors. Miscommunication and poor record-keeping can also lead to medical malpractice lawsuits.

Systemic Issues and Medical Culture

Finally, systemic issues and medical culture can contribute to lawsuits. These issues include understaffing, lack of training, and a culture of cover-up or blame-shifting. These systemic issues can lead to medical errors and harm to patients.


Medical malpractice lawsuits can be filed for a variety of reasons. Common causes of medical malpractice lawsuits include misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, surgical errors and anesthesia mistakes, medication and prescription errors, birth injuries and obstetric malpractice, failure to obtain informed consent, nursing home abuse and neglect, inadequate follow-up care, laboratory and test result errors, miscommunication and poor record-keeping, and systemic issues and medical culture. 

Healthcare providers must be vigilant in their duty of care to prevent these errors and protect their patients. Patients who have experienced harm or injury due to malpractice may be entitled to compensation for their damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Patients must consult an experienced medical malpractice lawyer to understand their legal options and pursue the compensation they deserve. If you reside in Chicago, a Chicago med mal lawyer can guide you perfectly. By holding healthcare providers accountable for their actions, patients can help prevent future medical errors and promote safer healthcare practices.

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