How to Start A Bodybuilding Supplement Shop

bodybuilding supplement shopFor a fitness fanatic, starting a bodybuilding supplement shop is a great idea to turn a hobby into a lucrative and profitable business. The bodybuilding supplement industry is a multi-million dollar business.

Bodybuilders, athletes, fitness enthusiast even teenagers, men and women that are interested in fitness activities buy hundreds of millions of dollars of supplements yearly hoping to gain muscle mass, strength and power.

Bodybuilding Supplement Products
One way of ensuring the success of your bodybuilding supplement shop is the effectiveness and quality of your supplement products. Be sure to choose a product that has been tested and approved by the government agency.

It is important that you take time in selecting good supplement products that your customers are likely to buy. Sourcing your supplement products from a reliable and reputable manufacturer is also important when buying for your bodybuilding supplements. If you can demand a certificate for every batch they supply to you would be better as this will guarantee a product quality assurance.

Be Unique
Ask yourself, what makes my product unique from the rest of bodybuilding supplement shops? Why they would buy my supplement products? If you can offer a few cutting-edge products to your customers then you’re heading at success. Make sure to provide your customers other supplement lines that they might need. This will also augment your business income.

Stock Inventory
Keeping your supplement products in stock is very important. Many supplement shops run out of their products and this means customer loss and profit. Of course, you don’t want this to happen in your business. Although keeping products in stock can be difficult sometimes, but it is worth taking the time. Tracking your inventory is a good way to prevent running out of products. In this way, you can also determine what bodybuilding supplements are hot selling and what’s not. Having a good bodybuilding supplement products in stock at your store makes you a reliable supplier and you could even win new customers. This means more sales to your supplement shop.

Pricing Your Bodybuilding Supplements
Keeping the price of your products too high will severely affect your sales, many customers will not be able to afford it and they will be forced to check other shops.

On the other hand, pricing your product too low will make it difficult for your business to make a profit. Your business simply can’t survive by only making a few profit per sale, since you have a lot of costs to keep your business open.

Pricing your products effectively ensures the life and growth of your bodybuilding supplement shop. It is important to study the market of your products, look at all the costs involved in running your bodybuilding supplement shop, and try to balance your pricing structures.

Marketing Your Bodybuilding Supplement Shop
Having a marketing strategy for your bodybuilding supplement shop is very essential as this will give you the opportunity to be known to the public. Advertise your business in muscle magazines, in televisions and in radios. If you cannot afford it, just make flyers, brochures, posters and stickers. Post it in gyms, cars and walls in busy streets or give it to fitness enthusiasts, to your friends and to offices.

Be creative in advertising your business. Do not limit yourself. Make a special deal with your customers. Give them discounts or even give them a free sample for every accumulated amount of product purchased. This will ensure that your customer will return next time. Also, ask your customer about feedbacks and the things they wanted to happen for your shop. You can get the best ideas from your customer and don’t forget to give them recognition.

Here is the link on How to register Your Business. (Tagalog version)

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  1. Good day.
    May i ask where i can find supplier here in the Philippines for gym supplements?

    Thank you

  2. Hi,

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  3. Your article is great! Been looking for this for so long. But where can I find a supplier in the Philippines?

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