Want To Make Bank? Invest In A Weight Loss Franchise

The weight loss industry is a lucrative area of business. It is rapidly growing, is quite competitive, and will give you many opportunities to stake your claim in the industry. In fact, a recent report boasts weight loss products contribute to $61 billion in profits.

Moreover, experts expect 2.7% average annual growth between now and 2016 at commercial weight loss centers.

Obesity is a worsening problem in America though more and more Americans are trying to buckle down and get their weight under control. Be involved in something that can help others achieve their goals and live healthier lives. Listed below are six top franchises that you can use to get into the industry:

1. Gold’s Gym

golds gym zps60b7f926

Gold’s Gym was set up to help people of all levels of athletic capabilities. Clients will enjoy well-equipped locker rooms with tanning beds, and a great array of cardio machines. Gold’s Gym is all about convenience. The capital required to buy a Gold’s Gym franchise is $400,000

2. Kosama

kosama zps3148cffdThere are not many other franchises that are quite like Kosama. Kosama is a 8-week body changing course that integrates nutrition, consultation, heart conditioning, and muscle training all within a supportive team. The buy in for this franchise is $150,000.

3. Lucille Roberts Fitness for Women

lucille roberts zps90770baeLucille Robert created a different way for women to experience great fitness and health. While it may seem confusing, this franchise is actually open to both women and men. The capital required to buy this franchise is $90,000.

4. Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition is a chain of stores committed to health and improving people’s wellness from all areas of life. Employees are knowledgeable about the products and fitness and are able to work well with each customer to reach their weight loss goals or to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The capital required for Max Muscle Sports Nutrition is $50,000

5. Snap Fitness

snap fitness zpscf334908Snap Fitness franchises are located across North America, the United Kingdom, India, and Australia. Most of the Snap Fitness locations stay open 24 hours a day. $50,000 is required to start up with Snap Fitness.

6. Star Wellness USA

star wellness zps4ef09eafStar Wellness knows that when employees fall ill, talent, money and productivity are lost. Star Wellness comes alongside businesses and helps and promotes fitness and healthy lifestyles for the company’s employees through on-site services. Star Wellness USA franchises are accessible, reliable, and will have a positive effect on a company’s health and bottom line. The required capital needed is $75,000.

While many business fads come and go, weight loss is not one of them. This lucrative market is here to stay. And diving into a fitness franchise opportunity is bound to produce excellent results.

These six weight loss and fitness franchises will give you the edge in the market. They are all very comprehensive and offer a wide variety of services. The franchises are also well established and successful.

Are you ready to jump into this lucrative market? What are your thoughts regarding franchise success and the weight loss industry? Let us know in the comment section below!

Featured images:
  • golds gym zps60b7f926 License: Image author owned
  • kosama zps3148cffd License: Image author owned
  • lucille roberts zps90770bae License: Image author owned
  • License: Image author owned
  • snap fitness zpscf334908 License: Image author owned
  • star wellness zps4ef09eaf License: Image author owned

Guest author Logan Smith is a health writer. Lately, he has been penning articles about vitamin B12 injections and weight loss techniques for this company. Along his journey, he has learned a lot about the lucrative industry and is considering franchise options himself.

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