Will Amazon Prime Day 2017 hit $1bn in Sales in a Single Day? Get the Answer here!

Amazon is the behemoth of online retail and its dedicated online sales day known as Prime Day is something that today rivals the likes of major retail “events” like Black Friday and Cyber Monday in terms of excitement by shoppers. The Prime Day offers are open to people in 13 countries so it’s not yet widely expansive but Amazon of course has plans to roll out Prime to more countries in the very near future.

Prime Day signifies a large number of offers and deals for their customers and this year it is set to last over 30 hours on July 10th.

Jeff Bezos kicked off the first Prime Day in 2015 which coincided with the founding anniversary of Amazon itself and the concept has grown from there to hit sales in the billions. This infographic from the guys at Carvaka explains further the whole concept of Prime Day and highlights some interesting statistics that showcase just how big an event this retail day has become, check it out below.

Amazon Prime Day

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