Is Adoption the Right Call?

In the United States, approximately 135,000 children are adopted each year.

While this number seems large, close to 650,000 children are living in foster care, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

For adults, there are many reasons for adopting a child, but of course, there are many challenges along the way.

Will the child fit in with the family? Can you afford to adopt a child? How long does the process take? Here, we’re looking at the pros and cons of adopting a child.


Reasons for adopting a child

The most obvious reason is you are saving a child’s life.

You’re giving the child a home, stability and, most importantly, a family to love and depend on. If the child is being adopted into a family with kids already, they are getting the privilege of growing up with siblings.

As long as the child is being adopted in a good home, there are very few disadvantages, if any, for the child.


Another reason for adopting a child is you are helping the birth mother or birth family.

Sometimes, people cannot care for the baby but still want to give him or her a wonderful life. Because someone chose to give their baby up for adoption does not make them a bad person.

In fact, this decision shows the parent loves the baby and wants what’s best for him or her.

The article “Typical questions about giving a child up for adoption” states that giving up a child for adoption is the ultimate selfless sacrifice.

If you’re able to then adopt that child, you are helping both the child and the child’s birth family.

Not only is the adopted child getting a family to love and be a part of, but you are also getting a child to love and share your life with.

A child’s love is one of the greatest there is, and normally children who are adopted are forever thankful to their adoptive family.


Disadvantages of adoption

If adoption is on your heart, the advantages will far outweigh the disadvantages.

The only challenge can be the high cost of adopting a child, which can run upwards of $25,000.

If you’re hoping to adopt a newborn, there is always the chance that the birth mother will change her mind and keep the baby.

If you’re adopting internationally, you’ll most likely have to fly to the country where your child is, fill out gobs of paperwork, go through many challenges and possibly spend a few weeks in the child’s country learning the language and experiencing the culture.

Oftentimes with international adoption, the child is older so if you want a newborn, domestic adoption may be the way to go.

But again, if adoption is something you are considering, it’s best to take the disadvantages with a grain of salt and focus on the fact that you are making a substantial difference in a child’s life.

You’re giving a child the chance to experience real love and make a difference in the world all because of your generosity and kind heart.


About the Author: Sarah Brooks is a freelance writer living in Charlotte, NC. She writes on a variety of topics including small businesses, adoption and personal finance.

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