Save The Trees: Seven Things You Can Do to Save Endangered Trees in the Philippines

By now, most of us have heard of the importance of saving the endangered species in our planet—flora and fauna alike.

However, do we truly understand why we need to?

A good majority of people do not understand why keeping a healthy population of plants and animals on the planet is pivotal. That said, people may be more proactive if they understand why they are doing it. Simply said, endangered species need to be protected and preserved as they bring about ecological balance to the world. Apart from that, some of these have an agricultural and medicinal value that humans can stand to benefit from. In any case, we humans should act as stewards of the planet and do whatever we can to protect it.

All that said, below are seven easy things you can do to save the endangered species on the planet:

1.) Learn about the endangered species in your area

Before diving into the concrete ways of saving endangered species, take a look first at your surrounding area—research on endangered trees in the Philippines as well as the endangered animals. More importantly, do not keep this knowledge to yourself. Instead, educate and teach your family and friends about the wildlife surrounding you. Know what they are and how you can save them. Some of the endangered trees that need your protection are Kamagong, Akle Tree, Narra Tree, Molave Tree, Kaningag, Kalimutain and Mamalis Tree. On the other hand, the endangered animals that need your attention are the Tamaraw, Walden’s hornbill, Philippine crocodile, and Philippine tarsier, among others.

2.) Plant native plants

Planting native plants attract native insects like bees and butterflies that can aid in pollinating your plants. But, unfortunately, non-native species have greatly impacted the native populations in our surrounding area. This is because non-native species compete with native species for resources and habitat. Apart from that, these invasive species can even harm and prey on native species directly, which causes the extinction of the latter.

3.) Recycle and buy only sustainable products

Rethink the way you shop for products. Buy only products that use recycled materials such as recycled paper and the like. Patronizing these products go a long way in preserving and protecting forest species. It is also worth noting that you should avoid buying furniture made from wood sourced from rainforests. Also, recycle your cell phones as the mineral used in these phones and other electronics are mined from gorilla habitats.

4.) Never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species

Be a little meticulous about the souvenirs you purchase and bring home. Overseas trips may sound like a thrilling jaunt, and to commemorate such events, you would almost always want a souvenir to bring back to your family. However, keep in mind that there are souvenirs made from species that are nearing extinction. Therefore, avoid supporting markets in illegal wildlife that use products from endangered species.

5.) Rethink your pesticide and herbicide usage

Herbicides and pesticides may be useful in keeping your yards beautiful and presentable. Unfortunately, they contain hazardous pollutants that can severely affect wildlife. Herbicides and pesticides take a long time to degrade and build up in the soils or throughout the food chain. As a result, animals can consume these, which creates a hazardous chain when endangered predators eat them. Amphibians are particularly vulnerable to these chemical pollutants and may suffer greatly from the high levels of herbicides and pesticides in their habitat. That said, it is best to look for alternatives to commercially available pesticides and herbicides.

6.) Make your home wildlife-friendly

Be sure to secure your garbage bans with locking lids and feed your pets indoors or lock pet doors at night to avoid attracting wild animals into your home. Also, be practical about your water usage so that animals that live near water can have a better chance of survival. If you have a birdbath, be sure to disinfect it regularly to avoid disease transmission. Finally, place window decals to deter bird collisions or minimize them.

7.) Protect wildlife habitat

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to protect endangered species is to protect wildlife habitat. The greatest threat many endangered species face is the destruction of their natural habitat. That said, do whatever you can to protect their homes. Wildlife must have adequate spaces to find food, shelter and raise their young. Unfortunately, illegal logging, gas drilling, overgrazing, and developments all culminate in the destruction of animal habitats. Protect their habitat to ensure that communities of animals and plants can be protected altogether.

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