Words That Can Ruin Your Sentence

The way that we speak and the way that we write are two different languages. Unless you’re writing dialogue, there are several words that you want to leave out that belong in speaking only, not in writing. Not only do these words cause confusion, but they take away from the solidity of your ideas and make them come off weaker. To keep your writing strong and your reader’s understanding solid, leave the following words out of your essays.


We use this word a lot when speaking to friends. Most of the time, we see it as a way to emphasize or repeat something that we said before. Whatever the case, it doesn’t belong in writing, especially academic, as it creates a lot of ambiguity.


A few writers at Takemyexamonline (where someone can take my exam online for A+) say that many students add “um” or “ah” into writings. If you take a step back and listen closely to conversations, you’ll hear these two words dropped all the time. Still, it will take away from the context in writing and may create a bit of confusion in the end.


If you’re looking for a way to introduce a quote or academic findings, you should use something like “studies shows…,” or “according to…” Though it may come as a surprise, it’s common for students to use “well.” Things like “well, the results are…” don’t quite cut it with academic studies and should be avoided at all costs.


“So” is one of those words that we throw into speaking all of the time. It’s a way to break the silence and introduce an idea; however, it doesn’t belong in writing. Adding it into writing a few times will loosen up the flow and make it less technical but, don’t add too much as you’ll lose your readers a bit along the way.


Assignment business law writers avoids these words at all costs! Though it’s a favorite for exaggeration when telling stories or jokes between friends, it takes away from its meaning of emphasis when writing.


Saying that things are awesome doesn’t really explain them. All it does is leaves your readers wondering what you mean. It’s not descriptive enough to explain things in detail, and you lose out on the ability to describe something.


“Honestly” is used at the beginning of sentences to add emphasis to what you’re saying. However, it doesn’t come off the same way it does when speaking and winds up leaving readers a bit confused.


“Seriously” is one of the most overused words in writing that just doesn’t belong there. If you’re using it as a way to describe an injury, you can say that someone was “seriously injured.” But in writing, a lot of students add it as a form of emphasis. For example, they may say, I’m seriously starving, I need to eat now!” They are not starving but, it’s a way to exaggerate. In writing, exaggeration is ok, just not every other sentence.


When we talk about the basic ways of doing something, we can use the word “basically.” However, when using it to simplify a meaning, it doesn’t work too well. You should have explained what you wanted sufficient enough not to have to repeat yourself with “basically…”


Adding “totally” into sentences is such a 70s thing. While many people use it while talking, adding it into writing makes you sound a bit trippy. Eliminating it from sentences, you’ll sound more direct, more credible, and more technical than adding totally. So, save that one for when you’re hanging out with friends and keep it out of your writing.


Just like “basically,” this word usually results in repetitions when added into writing. It’s used as a way to clarify and simplify, something that good explanations don’t need. Any time that you use “essentially” in your writing, check to make sure you explained yourself and, if you did so thoroughly, delete that sentence after with “essentially.”


We all know that we drop the word “like” frequently while speaking. Sometimes, listening to friends, you’ll hear it at the beginning, middle, and end of sentences, just slipped in unnoticed. Experts of writing essays for money, consider “like” to be one of those words to avoid at all costs. Though it’s a habit sometimes when speaking, it shouldn’t go into writing.


“Just is meant to simplify things. “Just do this” or “just press play.” We’ve heard “just” used in so many ways and, it works in some forms. However, if you’re not using it to simplify something, it comes off as redundant when in writing. Try and avoid it when you can, and don’t add it too much throughout your writing.


We use “obviously” when speaking as a way to show our understanding. “Obviously, we know it’s hot outside.” It’s a fun word and used many times for sarcasm, but you don’t want to use it too much in writing. Otherwise, you run the risk of coming off arrogant if you add it in too much when writing. 

You Know? Right?

Both of these serve to clarify understanding, functioning as a shorter way to say, “do you understand?” While speaking, we say these a lot to make sure that the person we’re speaking to catches on or sometimes drop a rhetorical question to see if they’re paying attention. However, in writing, “you know” and “right” don’t work that way and should only be used once or twice.

Writing is different from speaking. When writing, avoid these words and create a clearer, more spot-on idea that readers will follow.


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