Pinoy Bisnes Ideas


Kaspersky researchers uncover an ongoing APT campaign targeting organizations located in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict area

In October 2022, Kaspersky researchers discovered an ongoing advanced persistent threat (APT) campaign targeting organizations located in the area affected by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Dubbed CommonMagic, this espionage campaign has been active since at least September 2021, and uses a previously unknown malware to gather data...

man holding incandescent bulb

What is Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to achieve the same outcome or level of service. It refers to reducing energy demand, which decreases the amount of energy needed for production and use, thereby improving resource productivity and decreasing costs associated with energy consumption. Energy efficiency can also improve...

Book Design Agency

Is It Beneficial to Hire a Book Design Agency?

Everyone in the publishing industry concentrates on the content of a book, but book designers’ work significantly influences the entire experience of book designing and publishing. Book designers can help your story take the readers to a different world. In order to make reading as engaging as possible, it is...

medical equipment

Advantages of Taking Medical Equipment on Rent

If you make or sell high-tech equipment or medical devices, you might have stock that isn’t being used, especially in these hard times. What if these assets that aren’t being used could make you money instead of just adding to your costs? Have you made any plans to make your...

copy trading

Exploring Copy Trading: A Beginner’s Guide to Passive Investing

Copy Trading is a relatively new phenomenon that has revolutionized the world of investing. In the past, investing in financial markets was a complicated and time-consuming process that required a great deal of knowledge and experience. However, with the advent of Copy Trading, anyone can now invest in the stock...

Viral Marketing Campaign

How to Create a Viral Marketing Campaign for Your Fintech Startup?

Fintech marketing is the collection of marketing tactics suitable for fintech companies. These organizations are leveraging new technological platforms to optimize and automate the delivery of financial services to the consumers. There’s no denying the fact that the fintech industry is growing rapidly.  On the other hand, a large number...

Full Stack development

The Importance of Database Management in Full Stack Development

Full Stack development is not only the Front End and Back End or Java and Python. FS developers need to understand different types of databases and their schemas, replication mechanisms, and data security. They will also encounter table structures and query languages such as SQL. If you are now at...

managing small business finances.

Tips for Managing Small Business Finances

Managing small business finances can be a daunting task. From keeping track of your income and expenses to ensuring that you stay within your budget, there are so many factors to consider when it comes to financial management for entrepreneurs. It is essential that every small business owner has a...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas