286 Search results

For the term "branding".
shopify silver iphone 6 on white table

WordPress vs Shopify Which is Best

If you want to build a website of MBA dissertation services or any other niche, and you don’t know how to code – you have to choose which platform to use to build your website. When it comes to e-commerce platforms, the struggle is real. There are many to choose...

Eyelash Boxes

Importance of Eyelash Boxes in Beauty Industry

The cosmetic industry is a big part of our market. With vast production of all beauty-related products, it is in the top list of high grossing businesses. Eyes are considered to be the windows to a person’s soul. Beautiful eyes can easily captivate anyone. A person’s physical appearance matters a...

Small Business Blog MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books

Tips to Create A Better Small Business Blog

Most business owners are already aware of the fact that having a good business blog attached to the company domain brings in numerous long-term benefits. Branding efforts are increased and more potential customers get in touch with the company. Business blogs drive traffic to the business and offer great advertising...

protect your brand

How To Protect Your Brand: 3 Tips

In the business world, a reliable brand name can be the difference between success and failure. Your company’s name will determine whether you get customers or not, or if you’ll achieve your bottom line: gaining profits. While your brand name might not be well-known like Samsung or Mercedes-Benz, it is...

Economical Enterprise Fleet Management

Tips for Economical Enterprise Fleet Management

If your company boasts a fleet, you’ve probably already thought about the ways in which to make its management both efficient and economical. You’ve most likely experimented with various approaches and procedures, but you probably feel that the way you manage your fleet can still be improved. You are right....

online reseller

Step by Step Guide Every Online Reseller Should Follow

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Are you caught in the web analysis paralysis? Do you have several things that are barring you from taking your first step to becoming an online reseller? Undoubtedly, there are many challenges that come with this type of business. All the same online reselling is...

Benefits of A WordPress Website person using macbook pro on brown wooden table

7 Benefits of A WordPress Website for Small Businesses

Introduction There was a time when businesses and entrepreneurs looked for website developers to make few minor changes to their websites. But with the introduction of WordPress, the management of websites has become easier. WordPress is the perfect website creating a tool for small businesses and aspiring bloggers. However, with...

SEO text wallpaper

Doing SEO from 2020 to 2021: Page Experience Update

Google announced on November 2020 the rollout of page experience update on May 2021. There are at least five signals that Google will utilize in ranking and displaying billions of web pages. These are Core Web Vitals (loading, interactivity, and visual stability), mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, security (HTTPS), and no intrusive interstitials....

Reach Your Target Audience

Marketing Strategies To Reach Your Target Audience

If you promote your product to the wrong crowd of customers, you’re going to end up wasting your time and resources. It would be best if you found a way to meet your target demographic to sell your products and services. One of the most significant obstacles you face as...

Pay & Go bayad center

Bayad powers Pay & Go Self-Service Kiosk Solution

The need for a more robust payment and settlement system heightens as the country moves toward revitalizing economic activities, according to Bayad, formerly known as Bayad Center, the Philippines’ biggest and widest multi-channel payment platform. As such, the company continues to strengthen both physical and digital channels to broaden access...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas