295 Search results

For the term "branding".

Twitter Applications for Your Small Business

Twitter was launched publicly in August of 2006 and you can see how twitter has risen to prominence as one of the most popular community along with facebook to share your status and ideas in short messages. Due to its increasing popularity, many businesses have realized the potential uses of...

house cleaning

How to Start a House Cleaning Business

Cleaning your own home and cleaning professionally are two totally different things. Even though you clean your home constantly, learning how to clean professionally takes a lot of time and effort––when a client pays for your services, they expect to come home and find their home spotless, tidy beyond reproach...


Is Flat Design Making Our Sites Boring?

The web is a place where new trends travel at the speed of bits, and several new design trends have been heading to displays faster than a neutrino. According to stock photo provider Shutterstock, in 2012, minimalism was one of the top types of images with 1.8 million downloads. This...


Choosing an Attractive Business Name

Most people don’t realize it, but one of your first and most important business decisions can be picking your business name. A great name is one that attracts customers and can really give your business legs in terms of starting a buzz. Do you think Google would have created the...

embroidery business - person holding blue and white round ornament

Is A Embroidery Business A Viable Business For You?

One does not have to look far to find some form of embroidery. Embroidery is located on hats, shirts, jackets, and coats which generates millions of dollars each year for the people that embroider these garments. Is it possible to make money as an embroider? You bet. Embroidery is actually...

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