Pinoy Bisnes Ideas

App like UBER

How to Make an App like UBER in 2021: Process, Cost, and Tips

Do you want to create a car-pooling app identical to Uber? Then, how can you proceed further? So, here we are going to discuss how you can develop anapp like Uber and start your car-pooling business. Uber comes in the second position in implementing innovation after SpaceX. The establishment has...

Enterprise Architecture

What is Enterprise Architecture and Why It Matters

Organizations continually look for ways to streamline and secure their information technology (IT) infrastructure. After all, when systems or networks fail it severely reduces productivity and revenue. For instance, a random cyberattack on an organization’s IT structure costs them $200,000 on average. There are ways to prevent these issues as...

Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter Marketing Tips That Actually Work 2021

Twitter is an excellent social media platform for every brand trying to build a strong reputation online and generate buzz offline. With only a 280 characters limit, Twitter is known for its direct approach. Twitter has emerged as one of the leading social media marketing platforms in the past decade....

credit score woman holding black smartphone near silver macbook

What is a Credit Score and Why is it Important?

Managing your credit score is a key part of navigating life as an adult. You’ll hear about it frequently, especially as it affects your chances of securing a mortgage for a house, signing a mobile phone contract, signing up to car insurance, opening a bank account and plenty of other...

iOS Applications

Tips For Developing Native Android and iOS Applications

The recent shift in thinking into the digital world has fundamentally altered how the modern world operates. Everything has been digitized and effectively relocated to the internet. Everything now takes place online, from information and entertainment to commerce and shopping. The web has simplified communication and task execution. By 2020,...


Kaspersky releases its first Transparency Report

Committed to greater transparency, the global cybersecurity company has publicly shared information on requests received from government and law enforcement agencies, and users for data and technical expertise in 2020 and H1 2021. Thanks to the growing importance of technology in modern life, demand for greater transparency of the software...

Car Dealerships

Everything You Need to Know About Used Car Dealerships in Ontario

The benefits of buying a used car from a dealer are many and varied. For example, it is often cheaper than getting an equivalent new model because it has already been heavily discounted by sellers in order to recover their initial investment in the vehicle! Buying a used car from...

startup - three people sitting in front of table laughing together

6 Factors to Consider Before Joining a Startup

Being a part of a startup can be a rollercoaster of emotions that entail a mix of rewarding, addicting, frustrating, and confusing thoughts. To put it directly, startups are never a walk in the park. We recommend aspiring entrepreneurs perform a thorough analysis of the benefits of working in a...

Polycarbonate Roofing

Essential Thing to Know About Polycarbonate Roofing

Many countries around the world are now using polycarbonate sheets for their roofing needs. Since they are both perfect for domestic and commercial roofing, many project designers now use polycarbonate roofing systems as an alternative for glass and fiberglass. In this article, we will elaborate and provide you everything you need to...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas