Pinoy Bisnes Ideas

Desktop Window Manager

Kaspersky finds zero-day exploit in Desktop Window Manager

Early 2021, Kaspersky’s researchers, upon further analysis into the already reported CVE-2021-1732 exploit used by the BITTER APT group, have managed to discover another zero-day exploit. The experts are currently unable to link this exploit to any known threat actor. A zero-day vulnerability is basically an unknown software bug. Upon...


Why Startups Should Prefer Laravel Framework for Web Development?

Introduction to Laravel Framework Currently, Laravel is one of the most used PHP web development frameworks which is gaining immense popularity and attention from the developers. Laravel is an open-source PHP framework introduced to develop amazing web applications according to your business requirements consisting of all the features and functionalities...

criminal defence lawyer

Criminal Defence Lawyer: It Is the Right Time You Hire One

A great author named Charles Dickens has rightly said that “If there would not be any bad people in the world then there would be no requirement of good lawyers”. A lawyer is a person who professionally deals with law and order and practices related to crimes. He is the...

Cash-in-transit Business 5 US dollar banknote

Cash-in-transit Business in the Philippines

The Philippines is known internationally for its rich biodiversity, providing both tourists andlocals with an immersive experience in a natural wonderland. It also offers a range ofattractions, from swimming and hiking destinations to UNESCO-listed heritage towns andcities. As one of Asia’s emerging markets and essentially deemed as a newly industrialized...

Quora-Like Q&A Website

A Detailed Guide on How to Make Quora-Like Q&A Website

Question and answer sites are a relatively young trend. However, it has already gained unprecedented popularity. The most prominent representative of such sites is Quora. This site is ranked 345th among the most popular sites in the world. The creation of such a site requires some training and knowledge. In...

Effective Customer Experience Strategy

A Guide to Creating an Effective Customer Experience Strategy

Competition is tight among brands in this economy. As if the competition among existing players is not enough, newcomers arrive with fresher concepts that aim to outdo their predecessors. This is why your brand needs to implement strategies based on consumer preferences and industry trends. A successful business venture has...

logo mats

Logo Mats for Business: All You Need to Know

Logo mats, like their name implies, are regular mats with the brand logo and slogan displayed on either the top side or the bottom side. These elements of the mat represent the business and all that it has to offer. Contrary to popular belief, logo mats have become way more...

Negative Effects Of Divorce

Negative Effects Of Divorce On Work Performance

Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful and challenging events in your life, and that’s something everyone in the world knows. No matter where you live, how old you are, and how long you’ve been married, getting divorced will disturb you and turn you into a completely...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas