Pinoy Bisnes Ideas


Which Type Of Stainless Steel Equipment, Pipes Should You Buy?

In engineering, the most commonly used types of pipes are made of stainless steel. Since the Industrial Revolution, stainless steel has been used extensively in houses, industries, and offices. From pressure vessels and pipes in the oil refineries to kitchen pans, its widespread use speaks of the importance of a...


4 Important Reasons Why You Need To Repair Broken Lock

A broken door lock can make your property more vulnerable to intruders. Therefore, it is essential to take optimum care of a door lock. This problem could be much more severe than you might think, so it is necessary not just to sweep it under the rug as an everyday...


5 Reasons Why You Need Air Conditioner Repair Service

Today, an AC has become a significant appliance in the home or workplace. However, air conditioners are just like your automobile that needs regular maintenance to perform efficiently. Perhaps regular maintenance is a fundamental way to maximize the life of your AC units. Even if your air conditioner is working...


Sitel Bolsters People Development Programs During COVID-19

Global BPO continues to provide learning and leadership development The Enhanced Community Quarantine and the current COVID-19 pandemic have had a tremendous impact on the business community. However, for leading global customer experience provider Sitel, the sudden change in business operations and protocols did not mean a shift in priorities...

PCB design

4 PCB Design Guidelines Every PCB Designer Should Know About

When it comes to creating a new design, a lot of designers pay more attention to the component selection and circuit design and leave the PCB design for later. But that is something every good designer should avoid. If you haven’t spent enough time on your PCB design or has...


How Mobile Apps Are Transforming The Finance Industry?

Are you a part of the finance industry’s technological shift? In other words, do you have mobile banking or wallet apps in your smartphones?  When countries are embracing digitalization, the expanding technology has been contributing immense support in obtaining it. The mounting technologies have stretched their boundaries to every domain...

APAC private data leak

The Secret is Out: 4-in-10 online users in APAC faced private data leak

Majority expresses concern on virtual privacy, while some are still willing to exchange confidential information for freebies A recent survey conducted by global cybersecurity company Kaspersky has revealed that 40% of consumers from the Asia Pacific (APAC) have faced incidents where their private information was accessed by someone who did...


More About Home Exercise Equipment For Low Impact Aerobic Workouts

Cardiovascular workouts can play an integral role in maintaining spine health as well as making sure progress happens with recovery from surgery or back pain. Balancing cardiovascular exercise, that works the heart, with stretching and strengthening exercises can offer both mental and physical advantages for patients with back pain, permitting...

Pinoy Bisnes Ideas